All About Hyperledger Fabric Architecture

Blockchain Experts
Blockchain Experts
Published in
2 min readAug 23, 2019


In 2019, the term blockchain has become the most favorite topic among technological enthusiasts. Everyone from the software field is engaged in disclosing the hidden capabilities of blockchain technologies. But some of them raise serious arguments against one side of blockchain technology.

The blockchain is actually of two types.

1. public blockchain

2. private blockchain

To know more about types of blockchain, refer our blog types of blockchain.

Most of the arguments are against public blockchain, where people raise serious concern regarding privacy. But the interesting thing is that no one has any doubt regarding the future of private blockchain. Because most people think private blockchain is an accurate solution for enterprise challenges.

Currently, the most advanced private blockchain is hyperledger. Its was introduced by Linux foundation under hyperledger foundation. The hyperledger carry multiple blockchain projects, but the most prominent one is fabric. Today we are going to discuss the architecture of fabric.

Hyperledger is an open-source community-oriented exertion made to propel cross-industry blockchain advances. It is a worldwide coordinated effort, facilitated by The Linux Foundation, incorporating pioneers in fund, banking, internet of things, supply chains, assembling, and technology. It is a private and permissioned blockchain framework. Unlike in permissionless (or open system) frameworks- that enable obscure personalities to take an interest in the system, the individuals selected through Membership Service Provider (MSP). It additionally offers the capacity to make channels, enabling a gathering of members to make a different record of exchanges.

Since Fabric is the permissioned blockchain, it has some real points of interest over other blockchain frameworks.

1. Assets: Enable the trading of money related to an incentive over the system.

2. Chaincode: Partitioned from exchange requesting, constraining the required degrees of trust and check crosswise over hub types, and enhancing system adaptability and execution.

3. Ledger Features: Encodes the whole exchange history for each channel, and incorporates SQL-like query capability privacy through.

4. Channels: Enable multi-sidelong exchanges with high degrees of protection and privacy.

5. Security and Membership Services: In permissioned enrollment, members realize that all exchanges can be recognized and followed by approved controllers and examiners.

6. Consensus: Allow arrange starters to pick an accord instrument that best speaks to the connections that exist between members.

Fabric Architecture:

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