First Transaction on Facebook Libra Blockchain

Blockchain Experts
Blockchain Experts
Published in
2 min readJul 20, 2019


In recent years blockchain technology has reached par in terms of extensiveness and robustness. The fame of blockchain is skyrocketing when it is compared across counterparts software technologies. Most of the software giants are searching for a key move in their existing technology with blockchain. The reputation for term blockchain is higher for every software firm and is upheld everywhere. Some think that it’s the future of invention, at the same time, some believe that it’s the beginning of a decentralized era.

No matter what, currently nobody in the technological field is staying out from blockchain development, no matter how small or big the firm is?

“LIBRA”, the term became popular when the software giant facebook adopted them. Last year laid a surprise for all the centralized software company when Facebook proclaimed the concept “Libra”.Everyone was curious to dig out what the Libra blockchain constitutes with?

Soon the curtain was unveiled and technological outbreak took place. The news spread like a wildfire that Facebook is launching its own crypto-currency. The word “libra” is pointing to that news. Facebook has already decided to implement their own crypto to its existing centralized platform.

But hows that possible, how can someone implement crypto to a centralized oriented software. This was the question that pondered every mind.

Finally, everyone got the answer when Facebook launched their whitepaper two weeks back. Yes, they are implementing libra coin as a payment system in facebook marketplace. To assure its robustness and scalability, Facebook also launched a testnet, where blockchain developers can crosscheck the working of Libra.

Here am explaining my first transaction in Libra Blockchain.

1. Initially clone the repository of facebook libra from GitHub by using the following command in the command line.

git clone

2. After successful cloning, you will get a folder named Libra in your computer. Open the folder and enter into the libra folder by using

cd libra

3. Now you are inside the cloned libra package, now before running the libra blockchain in your system, you need to install appropriate dependencies on it. In order to install all the necessary dependencies, run the following commands.


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