Blockchain Game Token portfolio — Jan 2019 update

A waiting game

Game Token Watch
Blockchain Gaming World
1 min readFeb 1, 2019


For the past couple of months, I’ve been running a small (sub-$500) portfolio of cryptocurrency tokens relating to the blockchain game sector.

Given that time frame (Crypto Winter), it’s a good thing I’m doing this for the sake of intellectual curiosity, not for financial gain. Certainly I feel my losses — currently overall down 46.5% but down 30% since starting these videos — have been worth their weight in experience gained.

Indeed, as explained in this month’s update, what’s becoming clear is the correlation between a project — or even a token — having some utility isn’t necessarily reflected in the price of the token.

Noted in terms of the four main tokens I’m currently interested in — MANA, ENJ, WAX and LOOM — the projects remain very early stage.

But my gut feeling is even as these projects slowly go live, the performance of their underlying tokens will be surprisingly decoupled from real-world activity.

As well as subscribing to the YouTube channel, you can also follow my exploits via this live link (note: as each token price therein is updated via a specific exchange, this can generate a lot of price volatility for low liquidity tokens).

