Game Token Performance — Q3 2018

Blood on the tracks

Game Token Watch
Blockchain Gaming World
1 min readOct 5, 2018


Cryptocurrency waits for no man, but as the formal financial calendar calls it, it’s time to recap the performance of blockchain game tokens against USD for Q3 2018, the period 1 July to 30 September 2018.

One positive sign is we’re now tracking 29 tokens, which means there are 29 blockchain game projects liquid enough to return some sort of a USD value. That’s up from 20 in Q2.

The unsurprising news, however, is what we’re euphemistically labelling ‘extreme downwards volatility’ (aka Crypto Winter) means 24 of those tokens have lost value in Q3, many by a significant margin.

However, five have not — and confirmation bias aside — it seems reasonable that Reality Clash Coin (RCC), Refereum (RFR) and Enjin (ENJ) are starting to generally some momentum/utility.

We await Q4 with the usual mixture of trepidation and excitement.

