Competition for a new name and logo/symbol. Rewards worth $10,000 #rebranding

Innovasis Hotels
Innovasis Hotels



🌴 Dear Community! 🌴

As you all know, lately we have chosen a new name, Innovasis Hotels, and we are finalizing the process of rebranding. We were overjoyed seeing that you love the new name as much as we do!

Because we came up with the chosen name internally, among our team, according to terms and conditions of the rebranding competition we are not obliged to award any prizes. However, we really appreciate your participation in our events and we value the time and effort it took to come up with your submissions. So even if technically we don’t have to, we decided to reward the creators of community chosen favorite submissions that went to the final voting, to show you how much we care ❤️

Here is the list of creators that will receive our appreciation reward:

BlockHotels — @x_Potato — 1500 HCI
CryptoHotels — Robert Palka — 1250 HCI
HiGuest — @CristianTicu — 1000 HCI
SmartHotels — @ururus — 750 HCI
Avalon — @mrDenton — 500 HCI

Some of the names (BlockHotels, CryptoHotels, SmartHotels) were submitted by more than one user — person on the list is the first one to submit it and thus will be the one rewarded.

Also, we haven’t forgotten about the logo submissions! Because logos are harder to judge for an inexperienced person, the finalists were chosen by our creative designers, based on how valuable the submission was and how much time and effort went into creating it. Below is the list of logo creators that will receive our appreciation reward: — Crypto Mike (Michael Duggan) — 1500 HCI — 1500 HCI — 1500 HCI–1500 HCI — sa2xny (Krzysztof Klukaczewski) — 1500 HCI

We would like to congratulate all the creators that reached the finals :) We hope that our next community events will be just as popular — by participating in the project now you are becoming part of the upcoming revolution in the hotel industry!

🌴 Best regards, 🌴
🌴 Innovasis Hotels 🌴

Stories have no end, they constantly transform into new beginnings.

The Blockchain Hotels project has reached a very important moment. The moment when the time comes to change our course and introduce a new development strategy. For this reason, we are pleased to announce to our community a competition for a new name and graphic symbol of the project. Authors of the name and logo/symbol or inspiration used for its creation will be rewarded with Hotel Coin cryptocurrency equivalent to $10,000.

Therefore, if you are a creative person and you are able to find a way to pack our vision into a coherent and appealing name, fill in the application forms

Below in the article you will find more information about the new brand identity and rebranding details.

Competition details

Goal of the contest: finding a new name for the Blockchain Hotels project.
Date of the contest: from May 14, 2018 to June 1st, 2018.
Reward: $ 5,000 in Hotel Coin cryptocurrency (at the exchange rate) for the author of the best name and the same award for the author of the best symbol/logo idea.

Requirements for the name: Creation of the name, presenting arguments that speak for it, presentation of its symbolism as well as the initial backstory of the name. The name should not contain the word “blockchain”.

Requirements for the symbol / logo: Creation of the symbol / logo graphic. It can be designed in a graphic program or drawn by hand. Presenting the arguments of the chosen shape, description of its symbolism and the initial backstory of the project. The Logo can be new, or can be updated. The Logo should have additional symbolic value that corresponds to our storyline about the prophecy and special generation.

Why rebranding?

Message from Pawel Alva — CEO of Blockchain Hotels

Rebranding is a very common practice in the development of projects and businesses. In our case, one of the most important reasons for changing the name is a new development strategy.

The strategy is changing, but in a long run it leads to the same goal, which is creating the most innovative hotel chain for modern travelers and digital nomads.

The name Blockchain Hotels has served us for almost a year. It allowed to precisely create the concept of an innovative hotel chain with implemented blockchain economics. During this time, the community gathered almost 15,000 people on Telegram and 16,000 registered users on our platform for the distribution of Hotel Coins. It also allowed us to draw the attention of investors unrelated to the cryptocurrency industry, which turns out to be a turning point for the original project. It is also a more effective way to achieve our goal.

For this we need a new name. Something more universal and that defines our vision better.

To allow you to better understand our intention, we list below 5 main reasons for rebranding:

  1. A new strategy and a more accurate vision of development.
  2. The current name does not fully reflect our identity and who we are becoming.
  3. Opening the market to traditional real estate investors.
  4. The use of the word “blockchain” in the name causes legal and administrative problems in the company.
  5. The use of the word “blockchain” in the name causes problems with advertising and conducting effective marketing activities.

Assumptions regarding the new brand

Who are we?

We believe the prophecy about the generation that is going to change the world to be real. We are part of this generation. We are the ones who focus on the creation of this astonishing oasis to provide the right place for pioneers around the world; to create something bigger than its creators. To lead the category of modern travelers’ accommodation. To give digital nomads and blockchain pioneers a haven, a retreat where they can feel a sense of belonging. To reshape and adjust the field of hospitality for the new economy. And, finally, to grow with the new economy so our guests can grow alongside us.

We’re building places to accommodate an atmosphere of creativity and provide an experience that will make people come back to us in order to share this atmosphere, enjoy it and expand it.

For whom is such as oasis designed? For pioneers, innovators, digital nomads, travelers, people who are curious about the world. These people will have the ability to connect, have fun, do sports, play, laugh, and eat together, experience new things, innovate and create together in tech parks, learn, express themselves and get things done.

People will stay in our places from one week to a month.


To us, there is just as much value in work as there is in fun. We are both environmental and technological. We believe in innovation. We believe blockchain technology is the future, and that cryptocurrency should translate into life experiences. In other words, business and leisure should hang out more.

Places we are going to build are led by 3 main values: innovation, fun and sustainability.

  1. Innovation being carried out at any level. From how we build and what materials we use, to the concept of fun, to redesigning experience and financial transactions, to the business model.
  2. Fun begins with Slip and Fly leading to hidden rooms, electric jet skis, electric submarines and a gamified experience of every guest’s stay.
  3. Sustainability from gathering rain water and reusing grey water up to our own alternative energy source for an independent energy solution.

What people feel when they think about this brand

Aspiration, amazedness, attraction, something special, that there is a mystical story and symbolic values behind it.

What do we offer?

We offer amusement amenities — in the form of epic adult playgrounds — and work spaces to support the most innovative companies and professionals. Together, we are building a community that encourages individuality and creative expression.

The investment offer from now on will not only cover hotels, but also apartments, on which work has been carried out behind the scenes for several months.

Facilities that will be created in cooperation with investors and other financing methods will have blockchain economics implemented. Therefore, it is going to be possible to create even more places in which the Hotel Coin cryptocurrency will be used.

Details of the new business model and offer will be published soon in the new whitepaper.

Key words:

  1. Innovation, innovators
  2. Pioneers
  3. The new generation
  4. Reinvention
  5. Revolution
  6. Futuristic
  7. Uniqueness
  8. Connections
  9. Unique
  10. Mystic, mystical
  11. Forward thinking
  12. Outside the box
  13. Freedom
  14. Paradise
  15. Citadel
  16. Future
  17. Technology
  18. Positive
  19. Ancient symbolic connected with new technology
  20. Welcoming
  21. Connection
  22. World changing
  23. Togetherness
  24. Love
  25. Play
  26. Joy

IMPORTANT: Do not use the word “blockchain” in the name.

Good luck in creating!

Take part now:

Visit the website with the questionnaire, let yourself be inspired and answer all the questions.Take your time, think carefully, because the bar is high and there is a lot to win.



Innovasis Hotels
Innovasis Hotels

A perfect place to have fun and get things done for new generation of travelers. Visit us