Welcome to Blockchain.io’s Winter Contest: Song & Lyrics!

2 min readDec 21, 2018

Dear BCIO community members,

Merry Christmas, and we wish you a Happy New Year. May the year 2019 brings you health, happiness and prosperity!

We were thrilled to receive so many creative works during our Meme & GIFs contest! It made us realize that BCIO community was a lovely community with many talents. That is why we are pleased to announce our next contest that will start today, Friday December 21. To let you express your creativity, talent and imagination, we’ll hold a song and lyrics contest!

Main contest rules:

  • Create lyrics in the form of a song/a rap/a poem or a Christmas carol (why not?);
  • Length: 1 page maximum in PDF file format;
  • Format: Besides the lyrics in PDF format, you can submit a recording or a video of your song.
  • Language: English only;
  • Good grammar and punctuation is mandatory;
  • Lyrics must be about Blockchain.io
  • Two submissions allowed per person (fraudulent behavior and submissions will be disqualified from this content and in all future contests);
  • Specific form and content used is free for participants to decide. Strictly BCIO-related material!

REWARDS: Our marketing team will review each submission and pick top 3 winners. We reserve the right to not pick any winner if none of the submitted lyrics meet with the requirements mentioned above.

1st place will receive 500 BCIO tokens;

2nd — 300 BCIO tokens;

3rd — 200 BCIO tokens.

Please fill out the following form with your submissions. And feel free to share your creations on our main Telegram group.

Submissions are opened until January 20th.

Good luck to everyone!

The Blockchain.io Team




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