A Quarter of All Europeans Is Going To Own Crypto Soon

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2 min readJul 2, 2018

The British market analysis firm Ing just conducted a survey of the crypto market in Europe, USA and Australia. The main findings are that the number of cryptocurrency owners is going to more than double in the near future. At this time 9% of the participating Europeans have virtual coins, but soon the share of investors is going to climb to a quarter. The graph tells us that the people of Benelux are the most crypto-sceptic, while the fresh currencies are deemed the most trustworthy by the Turks. Even though the research was based on a balanced age group and nearly 15 thousand participants, what comes as a surprise are the differences in basic awareness. When asked if they have heard about cryptocurrencies, a mere 38% of Belgians replied that they have, but on the other hand, so did a whopping 79% of Austrians. (Austrian Post has just included crypto buying and selling to their services.) Of course a lot more ‘experts’ are male. Slovenians unfortunately weren’t a part of the research, as we would undoubtedly be somewhere at the top when asked the same question. The opinions regarding the safety of investments and salaries aren’t unexpected: other forms of investment, such as shares and gold, seem a lot less risky to the participants, and a great majority would still prefer to receive their paychecks in the form of a tangible currency.

