Blockchain Today Weekly Digest

12 Sep — 18 Sep

Diana Armaghanyan
2 min readSep 18, 2022


US authorities continue to assume crypto regulation methods. More on this and other topics of the week in our digest.

1. The SEC will offer a flexible format for registering cryptocurrencies

The SEC recommends a flexible approach to registering digital tokens as securities. A similar statement is contained in the transcript of the forthcoming speech of the head of department Gary Gensler before the US Senate.

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2. Bitcoin Mining Difficulty Achieved a New All-Time High

Data reveals that Bitcoin mining difficulty reached a record all-time high hitting 32.05 trillion hashes. This means that miners need to perform more than 32 T hashes to solve a mathematical puzzle and add a new block to the blockchain.

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3. Norway’s central bank to test digital krone

Norway is on the list of countries that are developing a national digital currency (CBDC).

However, unlike China, the authorities of this European state decided to initially study the potential of the token and test it within a separate economic zone. The Central Bank announced large-scale tests of the digital krone.

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This was the most important news for this week. Follow us for reading our weekly digests and always be updated!

