Blockchain Today Weekly Digest

01 Aug — 07 Aug

Diana Armaghanyan
2 min readAug 7, 2022


During the week the Portugal authorities started to close cryptocurrency exchange. Find details about this and other significant news in our digest!

1. Portuguese Banks Start Closing Bitcoin Exchange Accounts

In Portugal, commercial banks have begun to close accounts owned by cryptocurrency exchanges. Credit institutions motivate their decision by the fact that investments in digital assets are associated with high risks.

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2. Crypto exchanges will improve security of users after the Solana hack

Last Wednesday, another Solana blockchain hack became known. The exact amount of the stolen funds is still being specified, but according to experts, the attackers could transfer tokens from hot wallets with a total value of at least $6 million.

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3. July was the most successful month for crypto funds in 2022

A weekly report from asset manager CoinShares says that over the past seven days, the net inflow of funds into crypto funds amounted to $81 million.

According to the results of the last month, institutional investors directed $474 million to products focused on digital assets.

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