Talk: 21st Century Alchemy — Blockchain & Open Source

Despatch from #ScotChain18

Duncan Johnston-Watt
BTP Works
1 min readDec 11, 2018


ScotChain18 is the third outing for ScotChain which is annual not-for-profit event run by MBN Solutions with content curated by Spiritus Partners.

I was delighted to be invited to speak at this year’s event and took the opportunity to revisit an idea I first floated at Gluecon back in 2016 but which is evergreen as far as I am concerned — namely that open source practitioners are C21st alchemists working on the seemingly magical process of transforming, creating, or combining software.

With respect to Blockchain & Open Source the key message is that —

  • Blockchain is too valuable to be owned by a single company
  • Blockchain is too critical to be controlled by a single company
  • Blockchain can never be proprietary or closed source
  • Blockchain must be developed in the open from the outset

You can check out my talk here —

You can find the slides here and finally in case you missed it the music that took us into the coffee break was Sextant by Justin Hurwitz—

