An imagined Ethereum cryptocurrency coin
Ethereum cryptocurrency coin

Podcast: Getting rich from $200, my year in crypto (Week 9/52)

Thomas Shearman
Published in
Nov 10, 2020


Well, well, well.

My first quarter as a crypto investor has ended with a whopping +20% return on my initial investment. That is an incredible amount.

All my cryptocurrencies took a massive upswing, including Bitcoin, which at the time of checking was trading at $15,400 (Nov 10, 2020), levels not seen since January 2018.

As you know, I want to see if a crypto novice like me can earn more money via my $200 invested in crypto trading than the 0.1% (20 cents) interest I could make from my bank in a year.

If I cash out now, I will have made a 45 dollar profit, eviscerating the bank’s bonus and in a quarter of the time. Imagine if I were to deal in thousands, tens of thousands, or hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Is crypto moving mainstream? I spoke to Jeff Hancock is Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer at, about why he thinks we are only one step away from a crypto-based future.

You can listen to his thoughts in my short (5 min) podcast by clicking here (takes you to my own website).

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Disclaimer: I am a crypto investment novice, and this blog offers no advice. Mistakes I make will be my own. Be very careful with your money — crypto is a risky investment — and never part with your cash if you are unsure or feel coerced.

