Photo courtesy of Funderbeam

Creating global company that matters

Maria Amelie
Published in
2 min readMar 6, 2019


We are excited to announce that Kaidi Ruusalepp, CEO and founder of Funderbeam will be joining us as a speaker for Oslo Blockchain Day on the 30th of April.

Funderbeam is the global funding and trading platform of private companies built on blockchain. It was founded in 2013, the end of 2015 they piloted blockchain as a trust provider in securities trading. Pilot was successful and in April 2016 Funderbeam implemented blockchain technology as the underlying technology of their platform — in investing and trading of startup and growth companies.

Today Funderbeam is based both in Estonia, UK, Denmark, Croatia and Singapore. The reason Kaidi relocated to Asia is simple. Singapore has more innovative regulations for stock exchange business models.

“Singapore has come much further on the regulations on financial services and blockchain than Europe. Although the difference is in details, Singapore can accommodate novel business models while European regulation is very much based on the existing system.”

Kaidi knows what she talks about and will in her talk both give us insight into regulations, public sector and on how to be an entrepreneur in this new field.
She herself has worked both in private and public sector.

20 years old she started as the first IT-lawyer in Estonia.

“My journey took me from there to the Estonian Central Securities Depository. Estonia was reforming a pension system and my task was to manage the development of a funded pension platform. After leading CSD for four years I was offered an executive chair at NASDAQ Tallinn stock exchange. So altogether, I worked in the trading, clearing, and settlement industry for 11 years.”

She co-founded the Estonian Knowledge Industry Association, was serving as an Advisor of Startup Europe at European Commission. Third year running Kaidi is listed among TOP 50 Europe’s most influential women in the startup and venture capital space.

After all those years at the NASDAQ corporation, she mustered up the courage to become an entrepreneur. Kaidi remembers thinking:

“If I don’t do it now, I will regret it for the rest of my life.”

We look forward to Kaidi`s talk at Oslo Blockchain Day on the 30th of April!


Read this great personal interview with Kaidi in the Telegraph and her story in Funderbeam blog.

Here is also an extensive piece in about how Funderbeam is challenging financial services for startups and investors, and a video of Kaidi from Slush talking about on democratization of financial services.



Maria Amelie

Ceo & Cofounder Factiverse AI for credible writing. Author 5 books on freedom of speech, tech and startups. Chair & Cofounder Startup Migrants.