Want to learn more about blockchain? Join Women Blockchain Week in Oslo!

Maria Amelie


On the 9th and 10th of April we invite you to learn more about blockchain and democratizing technologies together with Girl Geek Dinners Oslo, FINN.no and Blockchangers!

  • 9th April —we team up with Girl Geek Dinners Oslo and invite you to an event in our office Møllergata 6.
  • 10th April —Girl Geek Dinners, Blockchangers and FINN.no invites you to a free practical course in blockchain

Both events will be in Norwegian.

Girl Geek Dinners Oslo, event 9th of April

Tickets to the event will be released 29th March at 15.00. Mark the date!

We promise insightful talks from Jon Ramvi at Blockchangers, Arne Hassel from Solid/Inrupt and Olga Kravchenko from IBM.

Get your ticket!

More info

Girl Geek Dinners Oslo, FINN.no & Blockchangers Meetup 10th of April

If you want to learn even more on blockchain, we organize a short practical course in blockchain. Some programming knowledge is required.

Irina Brun from FINN.no will talk how blockchain opens a world of possibilities and what FINN is doing to get better understanding of the technology. Robin Pedersen from Blockchangers will introduce us to smart contracts.

This takes place a day after, on the 10th of April — subscribe to the event on Eventbrite!

Why diversity in blockchain matters?

In general, more diverse companies means 43 percent chance for better profits. It also means better products and inclusive technologies.

Take for example the car industry. The first airbags were developed by the male engineers who based the technology on themselves. This led to many more women and children hurt during car accidents because the airbags were not adjusted to their measurements.

Blockchain is a new type of technology that might have in the long run a huge effect on our society, private and public sector. However, this industry lacks diversity. According to LongHash, out of the 1,062 listed team members in blockchain startups, 14.5 percent of them were women.

The report also found that 7 percent of the blockchain startup executives were women, and for advisors, that number was 8 percent. This is in stark contrast to big tech companies that have at least 25 percent women.

On the other hand, there aren’t many opportunities for women to join and shape an industry from the very beginning. This opportunity exists in blockchain, and your impact, perspective, and experience matter.

We hope that you can join us on the 9–10th of April!



Maria Amelie

Ceo & Cofounder Factiverse AI for credible writing. Author 5 books on freedom of speech, tech and startups. Chair & Cofounder Startup Migrants.