Why banks need Bitcoin more than Bitcoin needs banks

Jon Ramvi
Published in
2 min readApr 20, 2018

The investor, researcher, blogger, and best-selling author of The Business Blockchain is finally here to speak at Oslo Blockchain Day.

He is a direct participant in the crypto-technology market, working alongside startups, entrepreneurs, creators and innovative leaders.

“Ethereum has massive potential”. Source: cnbc.com

In a talk, Mougayar argues that the banks tricked us, and that the bankers are doing it again by taking ownership of the blockchain technology, to further secure their edge.

Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies are being widely recognized as one of the most disruptive technology of today. We asked William when he started to take part in this world.

Well, back in 2001, after the dotcom crash, peer to peer technology emerged as a new way of sharing information. Most of the files shared was of course music, with companies such as Napster emerging and leading the way. I was running a website called PeerIntelligence, following and tracking peer to peer technology. As we all know now, that didn’t really lead to anything, and it took more than ten years before my interest yet again was caught by peer to peer technology.

When I started hearing about Bitcoin in 2011, I understood that it was peer to peer again. But this time it was with a new technology, with focus on the decentralization aspect, and that’s when I realized it was not only about currency.

In 2013 I got quite intrigued by Bitcoin, and started go get involved with people talking about Bitcoin and Blockchain. One of these people was Vitalik Buterin, who I met, and I heard he was working on this paper that would take the technology beyond Bitcoin. It then dawned on me that this would become something really big, something that would change the way we do many things, and impact business and the society in general, and I became a believer of the topic of decentralization.

William will share more about what happened after that, his insights into the technology and its role in social change in his opening Keynote at Oslo Blockchain Day.

