Why the Internet failed and how we can fix it

Learn about Inrupt and Solid and meet our next speaker at Oslo Blockchain Day — Arne Hassel.

Maria Amelie
Published in
3 min readApr 4, 2019


The father of World Wide Web, Tim Berners Lee, has spoken. According to him there are three big problems with Internet the way it is today.

  • We don`t have any control over our personal data anymore. Personal data today is sold without the consent of users.
  • It is has become too easy to spread misinformation and fake news
  • Marketing for political purposes has to be transparent and accessible

To solve this TBL has started a new project — Solid. It is an open-source project to restore the power and agency of individuals on the web.

Its mission is to reshape the web as we know it. Solid will foster a new breed of applications with capabilities above and beyond anything that exists today.

Read more: One small step for the web by TBL

Arne Hassel from Inrupt

To develop Solid, TBL has founded Inrupt together with John Bruce.

Inrupt is a startup with the main goal of developing Solid and create new opportunities to application and business developers.

Arne Hassel is one of the main people in Inrupt and we are excited to hear his talk at Oslo Blockchain Day on the 30th of April!

Arne is a senior JavaScript developer working with Inrupt to bring the Solid project to the mainstream. Focusing mostly on front-end technologies, he’s taken the leap into the world of semantic web technologies, with old and proven — but still somewhat scary or simply unknown for developers — standards such as RDF and linked data.

He thinks Solid can revolutionize the world for the better, with focus on interoperability and democratizing data.

Read more: Dagsavisen: Vil gjøre internett bra igjen

Not a blockchain project

The main focus of Oslo Blockchain Day is democratizing technologies, or demtech.

Solid is focusing a lot on decentralized technologies and is often mistaken to be a blockchain project.

However it is not a blockchain project, but there are many ways in which Solid and blockchain projects might interoperate.

In this presentation Arne Hassel will present Solid and give some examples of how blockchain is interesting to the project, and what Solid might offer to blockchain projects.

Read more about Inrupt and Solid

The conference is in just few weeks. The topic is democratizing technologies and we have planned several tracks:

  • circular economy
  • legal and regulation of blockchain
  • banking and stablecoinsh
  • humanitarian and civic projects
  • registries and governments
  • tech and blockchain

Get your ticket to Oslo Blockchain Day on the 30th of April!



Maria Amelie

Ceo & Cofounder Factiverse AI for credible writing. Author 5 books on freedom of speech, tech and startups. Chair & Cofounder Startup Migrants.