The End of Era 0

Preston Attebery
BlockCities Updates
3 min readJun 28, 2019

When we launched BlockCities on April 2, I was filled with excitement and uncertainty. At conferences and online, I got feedback on my little idea to create a “Machine” that would generate, on the spot, entirely unique digital buildings and deliver them to users as CryptoCollectibles.

Most asked, “Okay, I got a building, now what?” or “So is this like for architecture people?”


At that time, I had been working on BlockCities for just over a year. I had the idea of doing something like those Nifty Cats, but for buildings. Why buildings? Buildings are not expressive, not emotive, not like any other CryptoCollectible on the market.

But, I knew there was something to a sense of “place.” Something about city streets, city problems, and high-rises towering above us that make us feel small — in the right way.

I wanted to build a new kind of city-game. One for the kids who played SimCity, grew up, bought some crypto and now want to make cities again — this time with real stakes and true ownership.

On April 2, the “Mystery Machine” launch day, my uncertainty quickly turned to confidence as a handful of eager collectors DM’ed and asked if the machine was live yet. Ethereum was moving slowly and we were already two hours behind!

Since then, users have bought and collected nearly 1500 buildings of all shapes, sizes and colors. You can see a bunch here. We’ve given away 5 gold buildings, numerous classics, and a handful of super rare special editions!

Construction is OVER for Era 0 (on July 3rd)

Now, it’s time to put a lid on Era 0 of BlockCities. Next Tuesday, on July 2, we are dropping a SUPER SECRET Collection and revamping the machine for one day only. For 24 hours, you’ll be able to build exclusive, Collection-themed buildings from the Machine.

Every single building built during the drop will be Collection-themed. We’ve designed a huge set of special ground floors, posters, billboards, and rooftops for this one collection and it will be live for just 24 hrs!

Once the drop ends, the Mystery Machine will be temporarily discontinued and Era 0 will end. All buildings constructed before the Machine stops will be labeled Era 0 and considered the Original set of BlockCities collectibles.

In the future “Eras” will begin and end at major BlockCities milestones and alterations to the Mystery Machine. By swapping in new buildings, rooftops, and ground floors, the Mystery Machine becomes something new entirely, so it needs a unique name.

Eras will mark these major changes and keep a historical record of different sets of buildings!

The Mystery Machine will reopen in early July with the drop of BlockCities Series 2. Era 1 will officially commence with new buildings, new classics, new rooftops, and ground floors. Everything has been reimagined and its going to be awesome!

Also, we’re making good progress on the City Playground and will be dropping a demo soon ;)

We can’t wait to see what you build next Tuesday!

ERA 0 ends on the Machine — now until July 3rd — build:

1-day SECRET Collection — Tuesday, July 2nd, 10am

