BlockFood Pre-Sale Referral Program

Published in
2 min readFeb 1, 2018

We launched a referral program for pre-sale participants.

Let’s see how to get your referral link, the attached bonuses, the conditions to collect them and a concrete example.

How to get your referral link

Your referral link is either on the first email you received from BlockFood after subscribing to the pre-sale process, or in a separate email if your participation started before January 31th 2018.

It looks something like: (‘xxxxxx’ is your public id and is automatically inserted in the link you receive)


For the referrer (you !):

  • You get 10% of the amount of BFT bought by your referents
  • Your bonus is increased: +55% instead of +50%

For the referents (your friends, co-workers, family, …):

  • They get an increased bonus (+55% instead of +50%): 1 ETH = 15 500 BFT instead of 1 ETH = 15 000 BFT

Conditions to collect the bonus

As a referrer you have to complete your participation and give a minimum participation of 0.1 ETH.

Please note that you can refer other people even if your participation is not finalized beforehand. It has to be finalized before the end of the pre-sale to be valid (February 8th 2018 15:00 UTC).


Let’s just see how the referral program works using a simple example:

  1. You send 1 ETH to our smart contract. In exchange you get 15 000 BFT
  2. You send your referral link to your contacts (which you should have received in the first email BlockFood sends you when subscribing, or a separate email for older applications)
  3. They send 5 ETH to our smart contract
  4. In exchange they get 77 500 BFT instead of 75 000 BFT

In the end you get:

  • From your application: 15 500 BFT
  • From your referents applications: 10% * 77 500 = 7 750 BFT
  • Total: 23 250 BFT instead of 15 000 BFT

That’s not a bad reward, huh?

Now it’s your turn

Share your referral link to the world and help us raise the BlockFood tide!

