Blockforce Master Fund Mid- April Performance

Blockforce Capital
Blockforce Capital Blog
3 min readApr 20, 2021

(as of 04/15/2021)*: MTD: 27.5% YTD: 230.6%

Source: Inc.Com

April Fund Commentary:

Just a quick update, we got a lot of great feedback on last month’s webinar, so we will be having another next week, details below.

The fund came into April like a lion. As of April 15th, we are +27.5% as compared to BTC +7.5%. The YTD fund returns currently stand as +230% vs BTC +118%. Breaking it down into components, BTC and ETH have performed quite nicely, but our early and significant allocation to Binance Coin (BNB) is contributing the most alpha to the “top three” allocation structure. In that portion of the strategy.

The lending program has continued to provide a damper to volatility, a source of liquidity, and in the meantime, we re-invest the 10%+ yield on a regular cycle.

We continue to evaluate and backtest strategies that will benefit the Multi-Strat Fund and will also be a major part of the DeFi fund we are preparing to launch. A lot of these strategies will incorporate a blended basket of protocols such as Solana, Polkadot, Polygon/Matic, Algorand, and others that are nascent like Vesper.

Webinar Registration

Date: April 22, 2021. 10:30 AM PST (1:30 AM EST)

The webinar will be held on Thursday, April 22nd at 10:30 AM PST, 1:30 PM EST. We are receiving strong investment interest, so a polite reminder that subscriptions are due by April 25th. Please contact us if you want to get started or would like to join the waitlist for the Blockforce DeFi Fund.

Market Updates:

Coinbase Goes Public: This highly anticipated direct listing IPO went swimmingly, opening well above it’s reference price and offering public markets the most meaningful and established “picks and shovels” approach to date. We followed carefully as to gauge sentiment and our sister company Onramp Invest got an inspiring and aspirational comparable in the meantime.

Regulatory Insights: SEC Commissioner Hester Peirce appeared on the bankless podcast and discussed many topics, particularly DeFi and her opinion as to the role of innovation in the markets and humanity in general. “Crypto Mom” doesn’t disappoint and has savvy arguments as to why we are potentially just getting started.

Decentralized Finance Is Building A New Financial System: Forbes, New York Times, Wall Street Journal.. the list goes on as to legacy institutions that are coming up to speed with the significance of cryptocurrency and decentralized finance markets. These things are nice to see as to adoption and momentum, we remain focused on our objectives

Our Philosophy:

We continue to steer our fund towards our core objectives. Our mission remains:

  1. 80% of the upside of the crypto markets with 40% of the downside.
  2. Half of the volatility of a long-only cryptocurrency portfolio, and
  3. Little to no correlation to other asset classes.

These objectives are bold, but we continue to believe that with hard work, discipline, and patience, we will deliver on what we set out to accomplish.


Eric Ervin, CEO

Blockforce Capital

Co-Founder Onramp Invest, LLC

*Blockforce Capital Management, LLC and its affiliates are furnishing this publication (this “Article”) to sophisticated current and prospective investors for informational purposes only in relation to existing or potential subscription in the Blockforce Multi-Strategy Fund. This is neither an offer to sell nor a solicitation to buy units or shares in any fund. Any such offer or solicitation will be made solely through definitive offering documents, identified as such, which will contain information about each fund’s investment objectives and terms and conditions of an investment and may also describe risks and tax information related to an investment therein and which qualifies in its entirety the information set forth in this Email. Interests in the Fund are exempt from registration under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Regulation D promulgated thereunder, in accordance with the definitive offering materials. Investors should conduct their own assessment prior to making any investment and consult their own investment, legal, accounting and tax advisors in order to make an independent determination of the suitability of an investment. An investment in the Blockforce Multi-Strategy Fund involves significant risks, including entire loss of investment, and is suitable only for sophisticated accredited investors. Past performance does not guarantee future results.



Blockforce Capital
Blockforce Capital Blog

Financial innovation at the intersection of capital markets, technology, and digital assets.