Navigating The Noise: How Social Media Shapes Market Volatility and Trading Decisions

Alexander Schuessler
Published in
5 min readAug 21, 2024


It’s a Monday morning and you’re scrolling through your Twitter feed (still not ready to call it X) when all of a sudden you are flooded with tweets about a can’t miss stock. Over on Reddit, r/WallStreetBets is lighting up with excitement and your Discord channels buzz with activity from fellow traders. For most, these signs signal a rush of adrenaline. The indicators of a golden play that’s sure to turn in profit, and a rush of urgency to to jump in before it’s too late.

Like with all things in life, however, it’s not that simple.

In the current era of social media, market altering content remains a click away for traders around the world and at all times. The line between informed trading and the result of an emotional impulse thins, as the “can’t miss stock” slowly manifests as the result of a hype cycle.

That is the reality of modern trading. With so much information and so many opinions available through easily accessible channels, traders are empowered by democratized information, but at the same time it introduces new challenges in the form of market volatility and emotionally driven decision making.

Volatility Driven By Social Media

Social media has the power to turn the market on its head within moments — a prime example being the GameStop frenzy from 2021. What began as a group of traders on a subreddit discussing a shorted stock, quickly developed into a mania that skyrocketed GameStop stock prices to unprecedented levels. Seeing others’ excitement and action surrounding a trade can incite a herd mentality, where others overvalue opinions due to the sheer number of people following it.

This type of volatility is often disconnected from the underlying fundamentals of the assets being traded. Stocks can soar or plummet based on sentiment alone, driven by a viral post or a trending hashtag, creating shifts that are unsustainable. For retail traders, this can create both opportunities and risks — quick profits for those who time the market correctly, but significant losses for those who get caught in the wrong momentum.

Emotional Influence of Social Media on Traders

Social media can also have substantial impacts on the psychology of traders — often in ways that can cloud thoughtful analysis and informed trading. With how accessible it is, the constant stream of updates and opinions can amplify emotional responses, leading to impulsive decision making. Imagine being a member of a trading group on social media, joining in the allure of surrounding yourself with those who will lead you to generating returns. Everytime you open your phone, you are constantly shown messages and updates of peers boasting about their latest trades that made them significant profit.

Very rarely will someone showcase a trade in which they lost money. What does this do to our hypothetical trader friend? It instills overconfidence. Surrounded by success stories, many may begin to feel “invincible” and take on more risk than they would otherwise. This peer pressure can push traders to make high-stakes trades, betting more on community sentiment than on solid analysis — a combination that may not always end favorably.

Another common phenomenon surrounding social media is FOMO (fear of missing out), and just like regular users, it can affect traders just the same. When hearing about a new hot stock that’s on the rise, and seeing others buying in, it can compel a trader to follow those around them and try to catch on to the trend before it is too late, not always fully doing their due diligence or understanding the risk surrounding the move.

Balancing Community Insights with Independent Analysis

Now while this post may have vilified social media for traders thus far, it should be noted that it is certainly not all bad, and can offer valuable insights at times. The key lies in balancing these insights with independent analysis. Communities can be a great source of information, especially for spotting new trends or gaining different perspectives. However, blindly following the crowd can be dangerous.

Social media is full of noise — posts that are more about generating clicks and views than providing valuable information. For traders, navigating this noise is crucial to making informed decisions.

The key is to use social media as one tool in a broader trading strategy. Traders should always cross-reference community insights with their own research and analysis. Developing independent knowledge and analytical skills, and leveraging tools and their insights allows traders to best differentiate between hype and genuine opportunities.


As the influence of social media on trading continues to grow, the challenges of navigating the resulting volatile and often emotionally charged landscape become more pressing. While these platforms offer democratized and easy access to information and community-driven insights, they also introduce risks that can lead to impulsive decisions and missed opportunities. To succeed in this environment, it’s crucial to balance the wisdom of the crowd with your own independent analysis and disciplined strategy.

That is where a tool like Hoodwinked can make a key difference.

By providing real-time insights, revealing hidden transaction costs, and helping you make informed, data-driven decisions, Hoodwinked empowers you to trade with confidence, even in the most unpredictable markets. With the right tools and mindset, you can leverage the power of social media while staying grounded in sound, strategic trading practices.

Disclosure: The information provided in this article is for educational purposes only and should not be considered financial advice. Trading involves risk, and past performance is not indicative of future results. Always conduct your own research and consider seeking advice from a qualified financial professional before making investment decisions.

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  1. How Reddit Day Traders Are Using the Platform to Upend the Stock Market and Make Money in the Process - Entrepreneur (2021)
  2. Understanding Herd Mentality in Investing: How Emotion Can Impact Financial Decision - Markowski Investments

3. The Growth Of Social Media And The Financial Market - Forbes (2023)



Alexander Schuessler

Finance and CS. Interested in trading, investing, investment banking and hedge funds.