Our HackerOne Bug Bounty now includes blockimmo.ch

Akshay Mishra
Published in
2 min readNov 4, 2018

With our platform live at blockimmo.ch, we are closer than ever to realizing our vision of an accessible, liquid, real estate market. But to truly realize this goal, we have to ensure our platform is robust and secure. This is what lead us to get our smart contracts audited by New Alchemy, get our website penetration tested by Hosho, and set up a bug bounty with HackerOne.

We launched a private bug bounty with HackerOne on August 23 with our Smart Contracts in scope. After letting the program run for a month with no issues arising, we decided that we wanted more people looking searching for vulnerabilities in our smart contracts. On September 24, we made our bug bounty public shortly after open sourcing our open sourcing our Smart Contracts. In the three months we have run the program, no security issues have been found. To us, this is an indication that we can take things a step further.

We are excited to announce that we are expanding our HackerOne bug bounty scope to include our DApp. This means HackerOne’s global network of security experts will now be scrutinizing our entire platform, helping us identify potential vulnerabilities and risks. But even if you’re not a Hacker, you can head over to blockimmo.ch if you want to experience what the future of real-estate investment will be like.

Our DApp. Now live and in scope for HackerOne bounties.

As we expand our bug bounty in scope, we need to ensure that the hackers in our bug bounty don’t end up degrading our platform or risking our users. We have specified which interactions with our platform are acceptable for people participating in the HackerOne bounty, so read through the Etiquette section carefully before you hunt for vulnerabilities. But provided that those rules are followed, we will reward you for security risks you help us identify.

Happy hacking!

