Top 10 Blockchain & Crypto Networking Events in London and the UK for 2019

Block Influence
Block Influence
Published in
7 min readMar 31, 2019
Blockchain events can be a great way to make new contacts and become part of the vibrant community

Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, however you want to call it — if you’re a newcomer to the emerging tech community built around the Internet of Value, then it can be really helpful to go along to one of the many networking events that take place in London and around the UK every month. Similarly, if you have already visited one or more event, it can be really interesting to check out some other events in other locations, or that cover other topics, as there is a wide variety to choose from on a weekly basis.

We have been attending events in the crypto and blockchain space for some time now, so thought we should publish our top 10 list of the best networking and knowledge events in the space for 2019.

Please note that for this article we have not covered the many conferences that take place every year in the UK, as they are less regular and probably deserve their own article!

UK Blockchain Networking Events —The Top 10

Crypto Curry Club has a friendly and informal atmosphere
  1. Crypto Curry Club (London, Bristol, Oxford).

Run by blockchain entrepreneur Erica Stanford, Crypto Curry Club is our top pick for UK crypto events for the following reasons. It’s the only event to run in multiple cities — currently London, Bristol and Oxford. It’s one of the few events to ban all kinds of sales pitches. And it has the benefit of being a curated group of people, which put simply means that you have to apply to join the lunch, so that you can be sure of being in a room with a great set of people — genuine blockchain experts and influencers and never cliquey. At any one event you are likely to meet well-known founders of blockchain projects, as well as senior management from relevant departments within blue-chip tech, fintech and consultancy firms. Crypto Curry Club events are always intimate — no more than 40 or so at any one event, and as a result make getting to know people as a newcomer so much easier. The website lists forthcoming lunches and how to apply for a space.

Beer & Blockchain Club blends blockchain and amazing craft beer

2. Beer & Blockchain Club (London).

Beer & Blockchain Club in London gets our silver medal for great crypto networking. It’s an evening event every month or so, run by Florian Krueger of the Craft Coin Company. Taking place at the German Kraft Brewery in Mercato Metropolitano (between Borough and Elephant & Castle), the event regularly attracts more than 100 guests. The venue is fantastic and the perfect spot to enjoy a beer or three, while listening to some short presentations from UK crypto projects. The vibe is relaxed and the events tend to run on later than most, a fantastic way to meet the community with its hair let down. And yes, you can pay for beer with crypto via an app. Check it out:

Coinscrum’s format allows it to cover subjects in fascinating detail

3. Coinscrum (London)

Our third place goes to Coinscrum, which amongst the many other London-based events, stands out for offering a more detailed tech-driven look at the scene. It’s been running since 2012 and has held more than 225 events. It regularly attracts 100+ guests, at a variety of venues around London such as Monzo bank. In 2019 alone, it has already hosted Jin Liu on Quantum-Proofing Bitcoin, Jeremy Welch of Casa, Matt Corallo of Bitcoin Core, and the Cardano team. With future events covering the Lightning Network, Coinscrum is set to remain a stalwart event for all those looking to learn more and meet the dev, mining and cryptographer crowd in London. Read more:

Ethereum’s December meetup hosted Vitalik Buterin

4. Ethereum Meetup (London)

In our number 4 spot is this long-running London-based meetup focused on Ethereum, of which London has a sizeable community of developers. There are a range of events, with the most recent an informal “fireside chat” in a bar, which meant it was a friendly environment and easy to meet the community. The last event, which was well-attended covered off Decentralised Exchanges and featured speakers from Luno, Ethfinex and Counter.Market. The meetup also has close links to Imperial College and its larger scale events have seen some big names attend, including Vitalik Buterin talking to a sell-out crowd last December. Well worth checking out:

5. ICO Meetup London (London)

Hosted by ICO Advisor and former fund manager Jonny Fry, this event is a more formal affair, typically based in offices of large corporate sponsors who are looking to break into the space, and is more focused on STOs, digital assets and more institutional interests. Despite the more formal attire and sales pitches, some of the speakers can be thought-provoking — including the likes of the ever-appealing Thomas Power and also recent speakers from interesting projects such as Irfon Watkins of DOVU. It’s a great event if you’re looking to meet potential legal, banking, accountancy or advisory partners. Further information:

A recent Blockchainers event

6. Blockchainers (Manchester)

Run by a student-led non-profit, the University of Manchester Blockchain Society, Blockchainers runs a number of different events in Manchester. Events in 2019 to date include a Women 4 Blockchain event at the Bright Building featuring succesful women in the blockchain space. They have also held other events, including hackathons, competitions and recently a Crypto-trading workshop in association with Shane of SVK Crypto (another great event provider). A great place to start for those in and around the Manchester area, and the thriving blockchain scene. See here for more:

7. Scottish Blockchain Meetup (Edinburgh)

Edinburgh’s blockchain Meetup group has more than a thousand members and has been putting on events for a number of years, regularly attending good numbers of attendees from strong links with business, university (Edinburgh Napier Blockchain and Fintech society) and beyond. The roster of events is impressive and covers a wide range of topics, with future events covering Decentralised Identity, Anonymised Machine Learning and how to spot Scams. Highly recommended. For more visit:

Belfast’s Blockchain Meetup

8. Belfast Blockchain Meetup (Belfast)

Belfast’s Blockchain Meetup began in May of 2018, and since then has put on seven different events, supported by Belfast’s thriving tech scene. There are now more than 400 members. Past events have included speakers from arc-net and Rakuten Blockchain Labs, as well as hands on workshops and pratical sessions. Check it out:

9. Ethfinex Meetup (London)

In 9th place we have the Ethfinex Meetup. Ethfinex is a London-based crypto exchange that has been running events for the past year. Events are run in various bars around town and previous speakers have included MakerDAO and Blockpass. Ethfinex normally provide a free beer for attendees, and the intimate venues make for a good networking environment. Read more:

10. CryptoArnie (London)

Our 10th spot goes to the CryptoArnie meetup in London. Run by UK-based blockchain influencer and investor Arnie Hill, these meetups take place every few months. So far they’ve espoused a party vibe, with a Halloween shindig and a London Blockchain Week unofficial aftershow all being great events attracting large crypto crowds. The next event is more presentational in format — at Mindspace in mid-April — and features some interesting companies in the space including 20|30, Fantom and LTO Network. Check it out here


Feedback is a gift, and if we’ve missed out a great event, or our write up doesn’t chime with your experience please get in touch and let us know at We’ll be regularly updating this top 10, so do get in touch with your event picks.

Want to read more?

  • Read our how-to guide on doing your own ICO marketing
  • Read how to choose the right London blockchain marketing agency
  • Please follow us to get informed when we publish these articles.
Block Influence

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Based in London, England, Block Influence provides high-growth marketing solutions for high-growth companies — from blockchain start-ups to established fintech companies to to rapidly expanding consumer brands. With data and insight at the core of our offer, we provide world-class acceleration tools, strategies and services to help your business achieve its growth goals. If you’d like to hear more about our products and services, get in touch.




Block Influence
Block Influence

High-growth marketing, communications and technology for startup, tech, fintech and blockchain organisations.