Blocklancer Dev Diary #4

Hi again to another series of our regular Dev Diaries. Today we will talk about the improvements of the whitepaper we released earlier this week. Let’s get started with the changes.


We nearly doubled the size of the Whitepaper it is now nearly as big as the whole US constitution with all 27 amendments. Fun facts aside let’s talk about the changes.

We added a whole section explaining the Token Holder Tribunal. This as well forms the biggest chunk of all changes. The Token Holder Tribunal is explained is far more detail covered in 13 chapters. But it leaves some implementation stuff aside which will be covered in the Yellowpaper.

We as well added a section explaining the Blocklancer ecosystem by explaining how the 3 parts (Fee Pool, Account, Token Holder Tribunal) are separated so they can be used/accessed independently. This allows everyone to easily build applications on top of the Blocklancer ecosystem.

There are many more changes but explaining all changes would go beyond the scope of this Dev Diary so we will keep it short.

We as well added all changes we made on the Blocklancer platform to the official manual which always cover the most recent release internal of the Blocklancer platform.

This already concludes this Dev Diary release.

If you like what we are doing please share the story with your friends :)

