Blocklancer Re-Design Sneak Peak

In this publication we will give first insights to the new design of Blocklancer. Thankfully, many users gave feedback for our early beta release. We thank everybody, who submitted feedback via our feedback form.

At first, we will sum up the feedback that we received:

  • Design is too childish
  • Design looks old (because of grey background)
  • Top image takes too much space and is not needed
  • Webpage is not responsive

Now we will present you the new design of the profile view. At first, please have a look at the Early Beta platform. Below you can see a screenshot of the Early Beta profile view.

old design for profile view

And for comparison, below you can see the re-designed profile view of the platform.

new design for profile view

We completely redesigned the structure of the platform and also the color scheme has been changed. Please also have a look at some of the gigs by Satoshi Nakamoto in the image above (just joking ;) )

Here are some important design decisions we made:

  • We decided to use a darker blue, instead of the light blue in the Early Beta. The darker blue gives a more sophisticated appearance to the platform.
  • We use the space in a more efficient way. The big header image from the Early Beta has been removed. In the new design, every section of the UI has its own tile. This gives a more modern appearance to the platform.
  • The design is more “edgy”. You can see that in the Early Beta the corners are rounded. In the new design, the corners are much more edgy. We decided to change this aspect, because an edgy design seems more appropriate for the BLOCKlancer brand. You can also call the new design more “blocky” ;)

Below you can see the new menu bar. The new menu bar already includes new features that we implemented and the design is also much cleaner and sophisticated. The new center of the menu bar is the search field that is always accessible to find gigs. Moreover you can see that we are also working on a new logo design.

new menu bar

Already many aspects of the re-design are finished, but we are still working on fine tuning the user experience and look & feel of Blocklancer. In the screenshots you can also already see some new features that we implemented, like the leveling system.

The goal of the new design is to give the Blocklancer brand a sophisticated look & feel that builds trust with users on the first gaze. We believe that the first impression is the most important impression, especially in a new area like the cryptospace.

We will update you regularly with the progress and we are always happy to receive your constructive feedback :) Please tell us what you think about the new design in the comments or in our social media channels.

If you like what we are doing please share the story with your friends and follow along! :)

