Dev Diary #10

Welcome to another series of our regular development diaries. This time we will talk about the changed cost to initiate a dispute on the Blocklancer platform.

Old System

As stated previously in the Whitepaper, the cost of a dispute is the ETH equivalent of $50 but this system isn’t very practical for low cost jobs below $50. To mitigate this problem we changed the concept a bit.

New System

We changed the system so that the cost of initiating a dispute isn’t a fixed price anymore instead we chose a system with a variable cost per dispute. The cost of a dispute is determined by the amount of all active disputes in comparison to the amount of active voting groups (You can read more about it in the Whitepaper)

This as well helps us to mitigate the risk of “running out” of disputes on the Blocklancer platform because if there aren’t many active disputes a single dispute becomes practically free.

On the other hand, should there be many active disputes on the platform the cost of a single dispute gets more expensive. If this happens the revenue of the Tokenholder which help to solve the disputes increases which results in more active Tokenholders on the platform. This way the amount of vote groups increases which is reducing the cost of a single dispute again.

If you like what we are doing please share the story with your friends and follow along! :)

