Dev Diary #7

Hello again to our regular series of Dev Diaries.

I will use this Dev Diary to cover a very interesting questions about the Tokenholder Tribunal asked by one of our great community members.

How do we scale if there are more disputes in the future?

Every Tokenholder has a random value in the range of 0–1000 assigned to his account. Should there be the need to solve more disputes the amount of Tokenholders (e.g. range 100–200) allowed to vote on a single dispute automatically gets reduced. It’s a difficulty adjustment so to say.

In this example we are already able to handle 10 times more disputes than in the base concept where everyone is allowed to vote on every single dispute. This concept is possible due to the fact that if there are more jobs the demand for Lancer Token will inevitable increase and thus increases the diversity of Tokenholders which can be evenly divided among the higher number of disputes by automatically adjusting the size of the vote groups.

This concept is giving the whole project an enormous amount of flexibility as well. Should there suddenly be a drop in the amount of disputes (weekends/holidays) the system automatically recognizes this and adjusts the size of the vote groups accordingly.

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