Last Week in Crypto — 18 Nov 2018

News on Dogecoin, Litecoin, Craig Wright, Binance and more

Shrikar RU
5 min readNov 19, 2018


Taking over from Rishabh this week. Dogecoin despite the Bitcoin Cash Hard Fork drama is actually doing pretty well. Litecoin has the most ATMs after Bitcoin which hit a new low and caused a dip in Asian Crypto markets. The IMF Chief also talked about the possibilities of digital currencies.

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Dogecoin used More Than Bitcoin Cash Despite Hard Fork Drama — by Shrikar

While the Bitcoin Cash hash war is going on, Dogecoin is silently still dominating Bitcoin Cash in the number of transactions.

The Bitcoin Cash community has split into two parties the BCH SV and BCH ABC clients which is going to result in a Hard fork. There has been a lot of buying and selling activity prior to the fork in the exchanges despite which BCH is still not able to beat DOGE in the number of transactions… Read More »

Litecoin Supported by Most Number of ATM’s After Bitcoin — by Shrikar

Litecoin is the most popular Altcoin that is supported by Crypto ATMs worldwide.

Crypto ATMs are internet connected Kiosks that allow customers to buy Cryptocurrencies by depositing cash or allow cash withdrawals by depositing Cryptocurrencies such and Bitcoin. Some of the ATMs allow only way transfer and some allow both… Read More »

Craig Wright Threatens to Dump Bitcoin [BTC] — by Ishan

According to Craig Wright, the latest Cryptocurrency dump happened due to miners dumping Bitcoins and Bitcoin Cash to continue mining Bitcoin Cash ABC, as around half of BCH miners shift to mine Bitcoin SV.

Bitcoin Cash is split into Bitcoin Cash ABC and Bitcoin SV. Bitcoin SV [Satoshi’s Vision] is a fork of Bitcoin Cash by Dr. Craig Wright and his team, to be different from the Bitcoin Cash led by Roger Ver and Jihan Wu. Craig Wright to ensure that miners shift to Bitcoin SV, threatens to dump Bitcoin to pay for Bitcoin SV’s mining… Read More »

Largest Swiss Exchange SIX to list an ETF like Product With Five Cryptocurrencies — by Shrikar

While a lot of Crypto enthusiasts are keenly awaiting the SEC to allow a Bitcoin ETF, the Swiss exchange SIX has already been approved to list an ETF like instrument which indexes five Cryptocurrencies including Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash(BCH), XRP, Litecoin (LTC) and Ethereum (ETH).

Swiss startup Amun has been approved to list on SIX next week its Exchange Traded Product… Read More »

Great Lakes Science Center in Cleveland is Going to Accept Bitcoin — by Shrikar

Great Lakes Science Center which is one of the major Museums in Cleveland, Ohio will start accepting Bitcoin as a means of payment starting from November 13th.

The Great Lakes museum reportedly will start accepting Bitcoin ahead of the Blockland Solutions Conference. The four-day conference scheduled in December is the inspiration for the museum to start accepting Cryptocurrency as a mode of payment… Read More »

Binance daily trading volume declines by 50%, not the largest cryptocurrency exchange anymore — by Ishan

Binance trade volume has been hit sharply due to the stabilization of cryptocurrency markets. Binance saw its trading volume dip by close to 50% since last month.

In October 2018, Binance had a daily trading volume of over $ 1 billion but has since then subsided. Binance’s current trading volume is $494 million, a more than 50% drop since last. According to the founder, Chang Peng Zhao, the stabilization of the cryptocurrency markets is the cause for a drop in trading volume… Read More »

IMF Chief Sees a Possibility for Central Bank Backed Digital Currencies — by Shrikar

Managing Director and Chairwoman of the International Monetary Fund(IMF) Christine Lagarde has embraced the concept of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC). According to Lagarde, the international community should consider endorsing CBDC which could certainly play a role in the digital economy… Read More »

Asian Cryptocurrency Company Stocks fall after Bitcoin hits one-year low — by Rishabh

Cryptocurrency companies based in Asia saw their shares fall on Thursday after Bitcoin hit its lowest point this year leading to a mass sell-off.

Tokyo based exchange Coincheck and SBI Holdings Inc each fell by more than 2 percent and Seoul based Vidente Co. and Omnitel Inc. fell by at least 7 percent each… Read More »

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