Last Week in Crypto — 5 November 2018

Brought to you by Blockmanity

Rishabh Bose
3 min readNov 5, 2018


We are on our 3rd week. We are still gathering feedback on how we can improve this. This week we added two more sections — Tweet of the week and Meme of the week with help from Unbankd who’ve really inspired us to do this.

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Ron Paul Calls for Exempting Cryptocurrencies from Capital Gains Tax — by Shrikar

Ron Paul, author and former U.S Representative has called for exempting all Capital Gains Tax for Precious metals and Cryptocurrencies.

U.S President Donald Trump had called the Federal Reserve “Crazy” for raising the interest rates three times this year. The FED has kept the interest rates tight despite the market corrections this year. Read More »

Bitstamp acquired by a Korean Gaming Giant — by Shrikar

Bitstamp, the largest exchange in Europe got acquired by a subsidiary of the Korean gaming development firm Nexon for a rumored $400 Million in an all-cash deal.

The Luxembourg based exchange is being acquired by NXMH, a Belgium-based investment firm. NXHM is a subsidiary of NXC which is a $10 Billion game development firm based out of South Korea. With 2 Billion Euros under management, investment firm also owns Korbit, a South Korean Crypto Exchange. Read More »

Litecoin’s hash rate has grown 750% over the last year — by Ishan

Litecoin, also known as a sidechain of Bitcoin, has seen a tremendous growth of hash rate since October 2017. The current hash rate is at 238 Terahash, which more than 750% than last year same date. Increased adoption of cryptocurrencies is one of the major contributing factors.

Litecoin uses Scrypt algorithm instead of SHA 256 which is used by Bitcoin. The Scrypt algorithm makes Litecoin faster to mine than Bitcoin. A Litecoin block is mined in 2.5 minutes. Currently, Litecoin’s blockchain size is 20 GB which is 10 times less than Bitcoin and 8 times less than Bitcoin Cash. Read More »

CFTC Commissioner Mentions Dogecoin as a Use Case for DLT — by Shrikar

CFTC Commissioner Rostin Benham mentioned Dogecoin in a positive light when speaking at the ISDA Annual Japan Conference in Tokyo.

Addressing the International Swaps and Derivatives Association(ISDA) annual conference in Japan, Commissioner Benham talked about keeping an open mind for the FinTech sector. He went on to explain in detail about the Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) and it’s applications. Read More »

IOTA Integrated to Ledger’s Hardware Wallet — by Rishabh

The German non-profit, IOTA Foundation announced their partnership with cryptocurrency security giant, Ledger to integrate IOTA tokens with Ledger’s hardware wallets.

Ledger’s Nano S hardware wallet is a physical cryptocurrency wallet with a special chip which isolates the wallet and is far safer than online wallets. It allows users to protect their private keys, that gives access to their IOTA tokens away from hackers. The integration with the IOTA Trinity and Romeo Wallets will add another additional layer of security. Read More »

Tweet of the Week

Meme of the Week

👏 I hope you enjoyed it. See you next monday 👏

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