Word on the BLOCK: 30th June 2020

The Blocknet Protocol
Published in
6 min readJun 30, 2020

Hello everybody and welcome to the latest Blocknet newsletter! This newsletter is released twice per month to keep the community up-to-date on what is happening with Blocknet. You can view all previous newsletters here.

  • Development on the Litewallet UI is continuing. Recently the UI has migrated to be a Blocknet project and we are excited to announce we are moving forward with a new UI designer (@shorn on Discord) who is working closely with the Blocknet dev team to deliver a UI that will be more in line with Blocknet branding. The team is now prioritising the Litewallet and is putting all their effort into delivering the beta version ASAP. We will let the community know as soon as we have the mockup available and will take feedback before implementation. In the first instance, we plan on releasing an MVP with the most useful features. More features will be available in later releases. This will give the community the chance to relay valuable feedback to the team to implement features iteratively with community funding and approval. Additionally, we will be polling the community for a name for the litewallet so stay tuned!
  • Various new XBridge calls are coming that allow for greater flexibility and utility including dxMakePartialOrder to create partial orders, dxGetUtxos to view compatible UTXOs, dxSplitAddress to split UTXOs within an address, and dxSplitInputsto split a specified set of UTXOs. You can preview these new calls on the staging site. The next Comet release was deferred to include additional fixes and features which are currently being wrapped up.
  • The Golang XRouter library has been released. This library allows Go developers and Ethereum developers to query blockchain data and oracles via Blocknet’s XRouter interoperability protocol without having any wallets or blockchains installed (get started).
  • The next Block DX update will be released alongside Comet with a combined price and depth chart in preparation for TradingView integration, an order refund notification, litewallet auto setup to make testing easier, and a few bug fixes. It is expected for partial trading and other additional features to be included in the release following this.
  • Auto setup for testing the CloudChains Inc litewallet with Block DX is also in the works. If you’re interested in helping with testing, keep an eye out in the #community-testing channel in Discord for new test builds.
  • A new article was recently published. Blocknet: The Essentials is a short guide with infographics that can be shared with newcomers or anyone else who wants to know the basics about the project and what it is capable of. Be sure to check it out and share!
  • Lucien is working on adding a payment system to the Service Explorer that allows for usage of paid services with CloudChains litewallet (preview at top of newsletter).
  • The results of Superblock 1512000 can be seen below. To understand how a proposal passes, check out the passing criteria.
  1. ARBIT-Market-Making-1512000, 4330 BLOCK, Y:24 | N:73 | A:4, Failed
  2. atc-eth-oracle, 2010 BLOCK, Y:95 | N:0 | A:0, Passed
  3. atc-infra-1512000, 750 BLOCK, Y:96 | N:0 | A:0, Passed
  4. Blocknet_Website_Relaunch_Proposal_Second_Phase, 3000 BLOCK, Y:88 | N:0 | A:4, Passed
  5. blockdx-dev-1512000, 1500 BLOCK, Y:92 | N:0 | A:0, Passed
  6. buildserver-cost-jul, 630 BLOCK, Y:98 | N:0 | A:0, Passed
  7. corgi-july, 900 BLOCK, Y:109 | N:20 | A:0, Passed
  8. fazer-dxmbot-008, 500 BLOCK, Y:94 | N:5 | A:4, Passed
  9. finexbox-listing, 1355 BLOCK, Y:92 | N:0 | A:0, Passed
  10. infinity7592–1512000, 385 BLOCK, Y:33 | N:61 | A:4, Failed
  11. michael-dev-jul, 12500 BLOCK, Y:100 | N:0 | A:0, Passed
  12. operations-team-1512000, 11060 BLOCK, Y:99 | N:22 | A:0, Passed
  13. proj-costs-1512000, 930 BLOCK, Y:92 | N:0 | A:0, Passed
  14. rigden-block-keychains, 780 BLOCK, Y:0 | N:98 | A:0, Failed
  15. SocialPhilip_JUL20, 1050 BLOCK, Y:101 | N:0 | A:0, Passed
  • A guide to submitting and voting on proposals can be found here.
  • Proposals can be viewed on the proposal forum or within the Proposals screen of the wallet.
  • For Service Node notifications such as critical updates or voting reminders, join this mailing list (separate from the Word on the BLOCK newsletter email list).
  • Blocknet Service Node stats can be viewed on Masternodes Directory and Block Core.
  • BLOCK is now available to trade on Finexbox which supports US traders, has no KYC and no withdrawal limits. Click here to check it out.
  • Below is a list of new and updated assets for XBridge (and Block DX). Please update your wallets accordingly.
  1. Removed: Minexcoin (MNX)
  2. Newly Added: Abosom (ABS) v1.0.0, Altbet (ABET) v3.4.1.0, Reecore (REEX) v1.4.2.2, Verge (XVG) v6.0.2

Many thanks for reading. We hope that you are as excited as us with what the future holds for Blocknet. A decentralization project fundamentally requires an engaged community, and so if you would like to help with anything, have something to add, use your professional skills or have a problem, we want to know about it.

Please also be aware that a community project is run by a diverse group of people with varying time-constraints (in a number of time-zones) and personal lives, so remember to be kind and patient!

If you want to be the first to see these updates, you can receive the newsletters directly to your email by subscribing here.[not applicable to email] Our next update is due on July 15th. Until then we look forward to hearing from you!


The Blocknet Team.

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The Blocknet Protocol

Blocknet is a 2nd layer blockchain interoperability protocol that enables communication, interaction & exchange between different blockchains.