Blocknify Launches Private Alpha

Dite Gashi
Published in
2 min readJun 27, 2018

After just a few months into our development process, prototyping, and hackathon-like weeks, we are launching our private alpha of ‘Blocknify for individuals’ with a closed network of mentors and early supporters. Through our accelerator, we have been fortunate to have a wide range of early supporters and mentors from lawyers and bankers to hackers.

Blocknify for individuals is for freelancers and small business to sign and securely send their documents to be signed without their papers touching any server at any time.

Our currently features are:

  • Users can sign up — We create their crypto identities
  • Verify their identity
  • Blocknify a document — We create a document fingerprint to verify their content without exposing the content to any server at anytime
  • Add signers — Signers can be current Blocknify users or unregistered users because everyone is our user :)
  • Sign a document — We take the document fingerprint and sign it with their crypto identity and post it to the blockchain
  • Share documents to cosigners — Securely share the document using our P2P network and to get cosigner’s signatures

Our goals of Alpha Testing, to test our features, test UI/UX assumptions with an engaged user base that will provide constructive feedback to our application and methods.

These are the features we are testing with our community for whom we are very thankful for!

At Blocknify, we believe privacy cannot be an add-on feature instead it must be built into the foundation of the solution. We aim to develop solutions with privacy, security, and transparency built into the heart of the solution, so even if we wanted to, we could not view, edit, or delete your information. We see a feature in development where you no longer have to pray and hope your privacy is respected and cared for.

We want to continue to grow our diverse community to others who care see this feature too. Please reach out to us at if you are interested to get involved!

Stay tuned for upcoming Public Alpha soon!

Originally published at on June 27, 2018.



Dite Gashi

Co-Founder at Decissio, Blocknify. MBA, coder, hacker, dApp builder, blockchain developer. Loves hiking and cold brew coffee!