BlockNovum — March 2019 Update

Remo Kyburz
Published in
5 min readApr 7, 2019


Dear reader,

I’m happy to present to you the newest issue of BlockNovum’s monthly newsletter. I’ll give you a brief overview about any relevant news around BlockNovum, share my favorite crypto & investing articles that I’ve read in the last few weeks, and highlight some new interesting projects
Let’s get started.

📈BlockNovum & Market Updates


  • BTC price jump: We saw a big increase in BTC price from around $4150 to over $5000 in early April. Some sources argue that the increase is just a price pump by a few large whales, others point out that a change in market data and sentiment was the cause for the increase.
    Coindesk writes:
    “The move was foreshadowed by changes in market data and sentiment. With volatility hitting multi-year lows, multiple technical indicators flashings signs of a bottom and fundamental catalysts (the upcoming halving) combining, there were plenty of developments that signaled a change might be on its way.”
  • “Altcoins” follow: Due to the high correlation of the crypto markets to BTC, most cryptoassets also saw similar increases in prices. So far there is no sign of a reversal to lower levels and the short-term sentiment stays positive.

🔍Recommended Reads

Find below a selection of this month’s articles that I recommend to read:

  • The 100+ Projects Pioneering Decentralized Finance — Consensys
    Decentralized finance is booming. In fact, it’s one of the areas that I’m most excited about in crypto and where I see some of the most positive developments happening. These decentralized finance (DeFi) applications are pieces of open-source technologies that aim to improve on different aspects of the current financial system through the introduction of a decentralized layer in order to disintermediate rent-seeking middlemen.
    This includes stablecoins, DEXs, investing, derivatives, payments, lending, and insurance platforms building mainly on Ethereum. A nice overview by Consensys about the DeFi ecosystem.
  • Valuation depot — Kanaandkatana
    Curated collection of most important research in the nascent field of crypto asset valuation. Detailed repository of articles, papers, and tools if you want to dig deeper in the crypto valuation topic. You’ll also find some of the sources that BlockNovum built its valuation models on.
  • Andreessen Horowitz Is Blowing Up The Venture Capital Model (Again) — Forbes
    A16z changes its VC model to have the ability to take more “high risk” investments (specificially in crypto where a16z sees big potential). Therefore, the firm renounced its VC exemptions and registered as a financial advisor, with paperwork completed in March. Interesting read to see how Andreessen Horowitz is reinventing the VC model (again) to stay ahead of the competition in the crowded VC space.
  • The Best Time to Buy & Build Tokens — Chris Burniske
    Another must-read article by Chris Burniske, where he argues for token-based projects instead of equity-based startups. Quote: “Just as people in 2017 regretted their 2014/2015/2016 decision to abandon bitcoin for blockchain, many people in 2021 will regret their 2018/2019/2020 decision to abandon tokens for equity”.
  • Why 2019 Will Be The Year Of The DAO — Stefano Bernardi
    Great article by Stefano from earlier this year where he identifies 6 trends that will likely drive experimentations with decentralized organisations (DAO’s) forward. Aragon, where Stefano is the executive director, is probably the most noteworthy project that builds the infrastructure that allows anyone to launch a DAO.
  • The Age of Crypto-Governance is here — Ryan Zurrer
    I post this article mainly for this quote:
    “I suspect we will see new iterations of VC-style capital-allocation DAOs for emerging industries. I call these “Moonshot DAOs” and predict that we see some for future-looking industries such as space exploration, quantum computing, and psychedelics. A Moonshot DAO would incentivize rare-industry experts to find, evaluate, and propose investment opportunities. But the ownership and governance mechanism would allow the DAO to leverage a passionate community to be a backstop to the core expert group and ensure sound decision-making, thereby improving investment returns through the wisdom of a well informed crowd.”
    I’m very excited about the concept of launching such a Moonshot VC DAO to invest in futuristic projects & industries that I find the most interesting and relevant for humanity. I could definitely see myself launch/participate in such a VC in the future.

💡Interesting New Projects

Here a few cool projects I came across and that might be worth keeping in mind:

  • Celo
    Celo is an open platform that makes financial tools accessible to anyone with a mobile phone. This platforms allows to build DeFI applications, including easier cash transfer programs, peer-to-peer lending, collaborative small-scale insurance, and other digital assets and wallets. Backers include a16z, Polychain, Coinbase, Lakestar
  • Fundabit
    Another crypto subscription payment platform to compete with Patreon. This Berlin-based project just launched their beta. Bitpatron is another crypto company that positions itself as a decentralized Patreon alternative.
  • Cryptio
    Paris-based project that builds a Digital Asset Accounting service that keeps track of your crypto portfolio and provides tax reporting.
  • 0x Mesh
    The 0x project introduced 0x Mesh, a peer-to-peer network for sharing orders which will serve as an alternative to the Standard Relayer API. 0x Mesh allows different relayers to share orders and thus enhance liquidity of the network. Great move by 0x, which is one of the leading open protocols that enables the peer-to-peer exchange of assets on the Ethereum blockchain.

🚀Startup Data Entry

Another call for new crypto startup founders to approach me if you are…

… a Founder of a new exciting startup (preferably Crypto, but I’m also interested in FinTech, Wearables, E-Commerce, Media, Gaming etc.) andwould like BlockNovum to know about you / include you in upcoming research, feel free to send me the following at :

  • Name of your startup + website
  • Industry
  • Short description of the company / your mission
  • Funding category (bootstrapped, VC, Token sale etc.)
  • Location (where are you based)

Thank you!

🙏 Thanks for your interest.

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I’m also happy to hear from you if you have any feedback or questions.

Best wishes,
Remo / Founder BlockNovum

About BlockNovum

BlockNovum is a Swiss Blockchain and Cryptoasset investment research & consulting firm. We provide professional assessments, fundamental valuations, and market research reports for the emerging asset class of cryptoassets & blockchain startups.

You can also find us on: Website, Twitter, LinkedIn



Remo Kyburz

Host of The Leap Takers Podcast | VC @tx_group | Founder of @BlockNovum | World traveler, Tech enthusiast, Food lover, Casual gamer, & Curious individua