Alternative Medicines, Indigenous Art, and Bitcoin

I had the opportunity to have an interview with Jess from The Shipibo Market. We talked about a number of fascinating topics relating to her store, especially with her accepting Bitcoin.

You can check out the audio version on our Bitcoin Payments Podcast here or wherever you get your favorite podcasts.

If you want to listen to the interview on our Bitcoin Payments Podcast you can do so here:

If you’re interested in watching the interview, you can do so here:

Jess and I touched on a number of fascinating subjects from all over. At the forefront was the indigenous Shipibo tribe that she works with to sell alternative medicines and indigenous art. These tribes are having a lot of problems, especially with Covid shutting down tourist trade to Peru. This combined with the changing environment and the destruction of rain forests is doing a lot to harm their people. But it is also causing problems with the alternative medicines, instead of working with the environment many companies are destroying the environment to produce their products.

Bitcoin was also discussed at length, as Jess described her problems with payment processors kicking her off their platforms for selling alternative medicines. She was finally able to find a payment processor after finding Bitcoin and Blockonomics, and complimented the ease of installation and use.

Please check out the full interview in podcast or video form, I know you won’t be sorry!

