How to Accept Bitcoin on Easy Digital Downloads (EDD)

Bitcoin offers a unique and efficient way to receive payment for your products and services online. Now it's easier than ever to accept Bitcoin for your EDD WordPress store, using Blockonomics! Follow the instructions below, and soon you’ll be all set up to receive Bitcoin and have greater control over your profits. (If you prefer a video installation guide, click this link) Its really easy to install and use, here’s how:

1.Install the plugin

You can install the plugin directly from the WordPress store. Click on Install Now and then Activate. Here is the plugin link

Install plugin

2.Setup the Extension

The next step is to ensure the extension is set up. Go to Downloads, then settings, then payment gateways. Make sure both Blockonomics and Bitcoin are checked. Then hit save.

Check Blockonomics…
…and Bitcoin.

3.Set up your XPub key on Blockonomics

Now, head over to the Blockomics Merchant Page in another tab. You’ll have to create an account and go to ‘Stores-> Add a new Store’ and enter your XPub Key from your wallet into the appropriate spot. There are instructions on the website on finding your xPub key.

Click ‘Save Changes’ and copy the text from the ‘API Key’ field at the top.

Paste your xPub Key

4.Paste your API key into WordPress

The last step! The API Key that you copied in the previous step, paste it in the ‘Blockonomics API key’ slot on WordPress.

…and paste it here!

After that, save it, hit “Test Setup,” and BAM, you’re all set to accept Bitcoin on your shop! Happy selling!

Test Setup!

If you have a shop powered by Woocommerce, we also have a plugin for you! Blockonomics powers thousands of merchants around the world. Check us out here.*hb6jwTAX8gM0Av-prmjGHA.jpeg

