How to Become a Bitcoin Black Friday Partner

Black Friday is that one time of the year when shoppers flock to marketplaces to indulge in a day of unparalleled shopping frenzy.

Originally from the US, Black Friday is celebrated a day after US Thanksgiving and involves retailers and merchants offering huge discounts on their products attracting a mass of buyers.

Although traditionally celebrated in the US, this trend is slowly catching up with the rest of the world.

So, why should bitcoin be left behind?

If you are a bitcoin merchant this is an opportunity that cannot be missed. All you have to do is become a partner by having your product or service listed as a deal on Bitcoin Black Friday.

The whole process is free and a great way to reach out to potential customers plus contribute to strengthening the bitcoin merchant ecosystem.

To steps to become a member are listed below:

Step 1:

Head on over to Bitcoin Black Friday and Click ‘Apply’.


You will be redirected to the ‘Become a Partner’ page.

‘Become a Partner’ page

Step 2:

Fill out the form on this page, which will ask you for some basic information about your company as well as the details of the deal.

In the ‘Bitcoin Payment Processor’ menu select ‘Blockonomics

Select ‘Blockonomics’

Once you have filled out the complete form hit ‘Submit’.

After your entry is approved it will be listed as one of the deals on the website.

Bitcoin Black Friday Deals

As a bonus, we will be sending out 20USD coupon code to all Blockonomics merchants whose deal gets listed.

