Payment Button/Link Automation

Integrating bitcoin payments into your business should be easy and seamless. We are taking a step forward in this direction by introducing new automation features. You can now create payment button/links programmatically and use them seamlessly into a number of business workflows

One of the most common use case is that of cart checkout where you have a custom shop for e-commerce checkout . You can easily add Bitcoin Payment to your custom shop by creating a dynamic payment link on checkout. On checkout you give the following parameters:

  • Product Name: Order # 4123 (Cart number to identify order)
  • Product Description: 1- Shoes , 2- T-shirt (Order Details)
  • Value: 100USD (Checkout value of the cart)

The API will return you a dynamically created payment link that you can present to customer on checkout to pay for the order

Dynamic Payment Buttons/Links can be created to pay for cart checkout value

Refer below for complete API details:

Note: Deprecation of data-price attribute

data-price attribute of payment buttons is now deprecated and will be removed soon. Changing price of product on client side is unsafe as customer can possibly change your product price to pay less. Please move to the new way of programming buttons via API

