Blockpool Testnet Now Live!

Brandon Cook
Published in
1 min readJul 10, 2017

Hello Blockpool Testnet Volunteers,

I would like to start off by thanking each and every one of you for participating in this public testing session and for being patient while the developers fixed issues that we came across during devnet.

With that being said, it is my pleasure to announce that the Blockpool Testnet is now live!

You can get to the BPL node, BPL Desktop and other Blockpool repositories by going to

Make sure to use the testnet branch!

If you have not signed up for the BPL Testnet, you can do so here:

Only those who signed up for the Testnet will receive a portion of the Testnet Bounty.

Once you have the node and wallet running please DM me your BPL address or email it to me at and I will send over the tBPL to get you started.

Thank you again for your patience and help during this period!

Brandon Cook

