What did we actually do for Bjork

Andrew Cox
Published in
3 min readNov 18, 2017

A couple of weeks ago a huge splash was made in both technology and music press about Bjork releasing her new album for presale and allowing purchases to be made using Crypto Currency. More than this, she was actually rewarding customers for their purchases with a 100 ADC (a music based currency close to Blockpool’s heart) and encouraging social media shares with more rewards, 10 ADC per channel per day specifically, to give something back to her fans directly when they tell their friends and families about her albums.

That much is clear and everyone can get involved by going to https://shop.bjork.com and following the reward link provided both on screen and in the confirmation emails once a purchase has been made.

The thing that may have been missed is what is at the heart of this offering — what Blockpool call “The BiT” and what is ready and available for any sector, any industry, right here and right now.

So, what HAVE you done?

Bjork’s website took advantage of two APIs which Blockpool have made available via The BiT, namely BiT Wallet and BiT Rewards. I’ll talk through these two first and then introduce the other elements that are available but weren’t required for this first outing of The BiT.

BiT Wallet allows anyone to create and manage a secure web wallet via simple ReST API calls into The BiT. More than this you can set up those wallets to expect incoming payments and be informed when those payments have been processed and confirmed. Currencies currently supported via BiT Wallet are ADC, BPL, BTC, DASH and LTC though more are being integrated all the time and if you have a particular favourite you’d like to see please do let us know.

BiT Rewards integrates closely with BiT Wallet to allow anyone with coins in a BiT Wallet to automatically trigger payments using either a direct API call into BiT or by providing claim links to those lucky enough to have earned your reward. Bjork has made use of both of these methods. Additionally we have integrated into Facebook and Twitter, with more networks to come, and rewards are earned for sharing to these networks.

Tying this together is myBlockpool, a simple and easy to use web interface that allows easy access to these functions. Bjork is able to set up her campaigns while those who earn rewards via her website can see their coins, transfer them out if they wish, and earn more rewards via the Share and Earn feature of BiT Rewards.

In the background of all this is BiT User Control, the third of the APIs which are available now via The BiT. This is a classic authentication provider using OAuth to secure access to The BiT which allows a user to use any one of password, twitter or facebook, associated with an email address, and provides seamless security for myBlockpool and any website or platform which makes use of The BiT.

OK, what does this mean for me?

Quite simply put if you have an ecommerce site and you wish to accept payments via crypto currency then now all you have to do is make a couple of web calls to our API and you have joined the crypto revolution.

If, like Bjork, you want to provide rewards for purchases, or for sharing on social media, or for signing up to your web service, or for collecting 100 baubles in your online game no longer is it a difficult task; a couple of quick calls to our API and you will be rewarding your customers in crypto currency while you can focus on your core business.

The BiT is there to make your life easier; to enable you to focus on what you do best while we do what we do best — make blockchain solutions practical and available to everyone.

Sounds great, what now?

You can sign up to myBlockpool for free by visiting https://my.blockpool.io and create a web wallet with one simple click in any of the supported currencies. If you are interested in integrating your site with any of the currently available APIs of The BiT then please contact us via any of the methods listed on the site.

There is plenty more to come from The BiT, these three APIs are only the beginning.

Be involved in the blockchain revolution with Blockpool and The BiT.



Andrew Cox

Andrew is responsible for writing software for Blockpool. He also loves getting involved in the crypto community. And whisky — good whisky…