Wingtip — disrupting the status quo at SXSW!

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2 min readApr 10, 2018

Dubbed the “Mecca of Music Cities” Austin has always been at the forefront of live music and when South by South West (SXSW) rolls into town it takes the music scene into stratospheric overdrive.

With over 5000 bands and artists playing over the course of nine days and across 1000’s of bars, clubs, restaurants and any other space that they can cram a PA into, SXSW has become the place to be if you want to drive innovation within the music industry and disrupt the status quo!

We wanted to give live performances a new innovative twist this year and showcase a real world application built on our blockchain infrastructure that brought fans closer to some of the bands and artists playing at the music festival.

Enter Wingtip — a free app and e-wallet that allowed bands and artists to be rewarded in Audiocoin (ADC), the music-focused cryptocurrency we launched back in 2015. The app let fans send ADC to artists in a live environment and made use of geo-location technology to encourage attendance at SXSW music events.

60 plus bands and artists from around the world took part in this unique activation, that created a real buzz at live gigs, amongst performers and fans alike

As one fan put it “pretty cool way for fans to give back”. We couldn’t agree more!

So what’s next?

Well, we are working on a number of exciting projects for 2018 that will be announced very soon, and will further demonstrate how our blockchain technology creates real value across multiple sectors, not just music.

SXSW 2019 — you’ll just have to watch this space!




COO of Blockpool Ltd, I have embarked on a blockchain journey that i hope takes me to enlightenment. It is here where I hope to share some of those stories.