Blockport Beta Update 1/3: A Rise in Momentum

Gino Taselaar
Published in
4 min readMar 15, 2018

In this article, we provide an outline and overview of our recently achieved milestones within the domains of product development, marketing and recruitment.

New Additions to the Team

In the recent weeks we’ve seen some new members being added to the team, which is a pivotal component of our roadmap and growth trajectory.

In the past two weeks we’ve recruited Tim, Andrii, Petro, Yevgeny and Kyran to assist our CTO Zowie with the development of the platform. That brings the total amount of developers working on the product to 22!

We want to welcome Bengt as our new community manager. Together with Marco, Henri and Johnny, the community team is working day and night to answer all of your questions.

We’re also happy to have a new product owner/manager: Jasper Blokland

Jasper has a solid background in the financial services sector and has significant experience with developing websites, apps and core banking applications.

Next to Jasper Blokland, Jasper Jansz has also joined the Blockport team as a lead UX/UI designer. Together with Spiros, Jasper has been working extensively on the new Beta design.

Overall, we’re happy to announce that we’re on track with our development log, as well as with the overall timeline of our roadmap and business development trajectory.

The Blockport Office

Design: Wrapping it Up

Thanks to the feedback we received from you during Blockport’s Alpha testing, our Beta product will now include a new, progressive web-app that is optimized for both desktop and mobile. We used the feedback we gathered to validate our early assumptions and to iterate to a design that perfectly fits within the Blockport brand: easy-to-use and appealing to both beginning and experienced traders. We’re confident you’ll love the usability and feeling of the app.

Desktop Dashboard

Marketing: Onwards and Upwards

In terms of expanding our global brand and outreach, our marketing team has announced the ending of the Blockport Bounty Campaign. Late registrations have been processed, and bounty claims that did not meet the deadline will unfortunately not be rewarded. Through this campaign, we’ve been able to effectively upscale our global audience reach to a considerable degree.

With Blockport, the lines between our core team and our close community members is becoming ever-more blurred, with a steady increase in collaboration projects and community initiatives. Hence, we have decided to launch a community marketing channel and program, whereby members within our ecosystem will be able to contribute to our marketing and growth projects through their own ideas and initiatives. All of the ideas generated will be processed in a project management board, and the top ranked ideas will make it to the marketing sprint.

Even more excitingly, in line with our commitment to provide our community with as much value as possible, we’re launching the Community Content of the Month competition. Each month, starting on the first of April, a member of our community will receive a reward in BPT for creating and sharing content relating to BPT. The content can be via any channel and in any form, but each participant can only enter once, meaning that this competition is truly more about quality as opposed to quantity. We’ll be publishing more information about this competition soon, so keep a look out!

Support: Building of a Team and Knowledge Base

Being a social crypto exchange, support will be of the utmost importance on our platform. The last weeks we started with building our internal support team that will handle support tickets during the Beta 1.0 release.

Knowledge Base
At Blockport, we’re strongly in favour of developing and fostering a culture of learning, both for our core team members and for our community. With this in mind, we’re planning to launch a comprehensive knowledge base system, where we create educative, relevant and informative content about a vast range of crypto-related subjects. In the process, we’ll hopefully provide you, our community, with some value.

We will begin to work on a knowledge base soon, where we create content that educates you as a community member on a variety of crypto related subjects.

Thank you for reading. You’ll see us again next week where we’ll elaborate more on the design of our beta application.

