Blockport Crowdsale Announcement

Kai Kaïn Bennink
Published in
3 min readJan 16, 2018


In this article we would like to share some important changes regarding our Crowdsale start date, individual cap and rates & caps. Additionally, we updated our roadmap with more specifics for the coming year.

Crowdsale starts on 24th of January!

In the past few weeks we have gained tremendous traction from the crypto community, and therefore, we decided to pull the start time of the Crowdsale forward!

The new Crowdsale start time is set on: 24th of January 2018, 15:00 CET

Setting the Crowdsale start time forward enables us to spread the influx of incoming participants, giving committed community members more time to attain Blockport tokens.

Individual cap is 50 ETH

As a result from huge interest by our community we realised that there is a significant amount of people that want to participate with a large amount of ETH. Therefore, we have also decided to lower the individual cap from 100 ETH to 50 ETH in order to ensure that everybody has a fair chance to attain Blockport tokens during the Crowdsale.

Crowdsale rates & caps

In the past weeks we learned that we should not have pegged the price of BPT to EUR but to ETH. It is (almost) impossible to account for Ether’s price fluctuations during a month’s period and still maintain the same terms & conditions for every token sale participant. Therefore, to ensure clarity towards our community we are maintaining our current rates & caps in ETH.

This is for several reasons:

Changing the BPT rates has multiple implications since it affects the bonus structure and exposure to risk of early pre-sale participants. For example, if we would increase the BPT rates — to account for ETH price increase — this means that pre-sale participants will not receive the bonus as a reward for taking the risk to participate one month earlier than Crowdsale participants.

Secondly, we will not be able to lower the ETH cap, because this would mean a lower total supply of BPT for all Crowdsale participants. Additionally, lowering the hardcap will also lower the company’s absolute BPT allocation, which will be mostly used for rewarding our community members for supporting us (bounty + referral program). As a result, we would not meet our planned BPT budget and the community will have less room to obtain BPT tokens in the Crowdsale.

Roadmap updates

We made some small updates in the specification of our roadmap. Since we pulled the start date of our Crowdsale forward we have decided to release our Blockport 1.0 Beta in March 2018.

Blockport Roadmap

Summarized Crowdsale announcements:

  • New Crowdsale start date: 24th of January 2018, 15:00 CET.
  • Rates & Caps: remain the same as communicated on our website.
  • Lower individual cap: 50 ETH instead of 100 ETH.



Kai Kaïn Bennink

Founder & Chief Strategy of Blockport. We are currently building the first social cryptocurrency exchange.