Anime streaming rights on blockchain: A new choice for Creators

Julian ジュリアンです
Published in
15 min readAug 24, 2019

アニメ視聴権をブロックチェーントークン化 クリエイターの新たな選択肢へ

(Translation of Oricon News Article 8/23/2019: from the ‘Confidence’ column of Japan Oricon Entertainment News)

(文/及川望 提供元:コンフィディンス ・オリコン芸能ニュース 2019年8月23日 )

syo5監督の『微睡みのヴェヴァラ』(C)SYO5 — VEVARA IN YOUR DREAM


There’s a new service tokenizing the streaming rights to an anime short film on blockchain and selling limited editions. The anime studio that partnered with Singapore startup BlockPunk on this new initiative is independent producer Arch. We chatted with Arch CEO and founder Nao Hirasawa about his goals and future prospects for the service.


7月に米ロサンゼルス『Anime Expo 2019』のカンファレンス会場で上映された『微睡みのヴェヴァラ』。この作品は、BlockPunkの運営するプラットフォーム上で販売され、そこでは動画の視聴権がブロックチェーン上に記録されるトークン化されることがアナウンスされた。500トークン限定、15USドル(または等価なイーサリアム)での販売。本編映像のストリーミング視聴権に加え、オーディオコメンタリーやアートワーク素材などの特典へのアクセス権も含まれる。

On July 6th, “Vevara In Your Dream” was given its US premiere screening at Anime Expo 2019 in Los Angeles. It was announced that this anime short is available for sale on a platform developed by BlockPunk where the viewing rights are tokenized. 500 limited edition tokens were minted, each token available for sale for $15 USD (or the equivalent in Ether) In addition to the viewing rights to the movie, buyers also get access to digital extras such as the director’s audio commentary and production artwork.


“As a publisher, we are connecting with a platform and providing value-added extras so its a similar offering to traditional packaged merchandise like BluRay. You could say this is a new form of EST streaming rights (“Electronic sell-through” often called Digital Sell or streaming-to-own) but it’s actually an opportunity to have a more direct connection with creators. By recording transactions in a more efficient and transparent way, I believe that streaming platforms in the future can encourage more direct relationships with creators so I believe it’s very meaningful. Simply put, by increasing the options for digital distribution, we give creators more options which is in turn good for the ecosystem.”


This project started when director syo5 and Hirasawa-san first met. From there, Hirasawa-san developed discussions with BlockPunk.


“It was clear to me that syo5 is very talented but still not very widely known. At the same time, BlockPunk’s founder Julian Lai-Hung was someone I knew from when Julian was running the anime business at Netflix. He suggested that syo5’s project could be a fit for a blockchain model and we developed the idea from there. As a platformer, BlockPunk is different from existing services and I felt that there is big potential for both users and developers. Leveraging the immutability of blockchain where digital content records cannot be hacked, being able to sell digital content in a simple way, enabling secondary sales between fans even while giving back to creators, even beyond this current iteration of video streaming I really felt that this opens the door to a lot of possibilities.”


Prospect of a blockchain community membership system

Arch CEO/Founder/Producer Nao Hirasawa
  • 平澤直氏/ARCH 代表取締役 プロデューサー


Rather than blockchain as a cryptocoin community, BlockPunk’s platform leverages the distributed ledger functionality as a record of transactions. The viewing rights to “Vevara In Your Dream” are recorded on a token that is created in a scarce quantity of 500 limited editions. Once the 500 tokens are sold out, owners can sell their tokens on BlockPunk’s platform. For each sale or resale a percentage goes to the platform and the creator all recorded on blockchain. An excellent movie becomes BlockPunk’s first ever tokenised video product, syo5 reaches new fans on a global stage but what is the benefit to Arch ?


“The premise is that we want to create a new branch or ‘yadorigi’ to support talented anime creators and grow the industry. To do that, it’s important that somebody is prepared to take a risk and make a bold step forward. Through trial and error and creating success stories we will find a new way of content distribution. Japan’s anime industry is facing a turning point that only happens once every 20 years. How to monetise, production workflows, how to reach fans. Everything is changing. Balancing offline theatrical box office with online streaming revenues is changing profit structures, at the same time digitisation is making the production process more efficient. How to input or output all the creative elements of production, edit or retake, we are moving to a much more flexible design and development environment. It’s becoming as important to have engineering skills in addition to creative skills. In a few years time I believe having a CTO will be essential to anime studios.”


As the production environment is evolving with digitization, in the finished animation itself, and in the process of production the number of touchpoints with users is increasing and changing. Crowdfunding, online salons with creators, the options for funding production are increasing. Investment capital from different industries, the type of investors are also changing. In this changing environment, the importance and potential of blockchain technology cannot be overlooked.


“In this “Vevara In Your Dream” project, the business model is transactional pay per item, but you could even imagine a subscription service where fans could support creators projects and become members in a blockchain setting. By paying a monthly fee, fans could enjoy exclusive content and access, and receive rights that can‘t be hacked. So in addition to EST video, you could also start to develop a community. I feel this is a strong fit for anime fans. Even for production itself, I think that blockchain has a role to play in the workflow. I personally will be following this technology very closely”


