BlockRocket visits Parliament #blockchain

Andy Gray
Published in
3 min readJul 2, 2019

All Party-Parliamentary Group on Blockchain Summer Reception

After attending and participating in several APPG evidence meetings with a shared goal at governmental level to advance blockchain technology adoption we got an invite to Summer Reception by the chair of group Damien Moore MP.

So we boarded the train south as we love good chat with likeminded individuals plus there was a promise of the odd beer too 🍻

A CryptoKaiju came along for the ride!

After navigating security and wandering through the historic corridors we found our way to the terrace for a nice reception with glass of bubbly and an opportunity to network by the river.

Speeches followed and gave a great insight on how government and industry is aligning to enable change so companies like us and the big boys of industry can use emerging technology now.

  • Damien Moore MP, UK Parliament, APPG Blockchain Chair
  • Prof Birgitte Andersen, CEO Big Innovation Centre (APPG Blockchain Secretariat)
  • Martin Docherty-Hughes MP, UK Parliament, APPP Blockchain Vice Chair
  • Dr Scott Steedman, Executive and Director of Standards, British Standards Institution — BSI Group.
  • Dr Navin Ramachandran, Radiology Consultant, UCL Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. Health Care Specialist (DLT and IoT) IOTA Foundation.

After the informative short speeches the important stuff of eating canapés and chatting to our peers in the Blockchain industry started.

Luckily a few friends of BlockRocket were at the event, Robert Learney from Digital Catapult did a great job introducing us to his network at the event and we managed to catch up with Martyn Walker from Active Ledger who always has informative stories about how they are working with distributed ledger technology.

Peter (DPI Partners), Robert (Digital Catapult), and Andy (BlockRocket)

We were impressed by all we spoke to who represented blockchain in all industries and in all shapes and sizes. We believe that this is important as we have learned not everything in Blockchain happens in finance in London 😉

It was great to speak to Damien Moore MP at the end too and discuss the aspirations for the APPG.

We then had to literally run for the tube and last train back up North arriving back in Manchester at 2am! A great day out had by all.

Thanks to the Big Innovation Centre for helping organising these events and making it happen…

We are based in Manchester and we help companies with blockchain and decentralised technology. Get in touch!

Email —

Twitter — @blockrockettech

Check out our community meetup — Blockchain Manchester

Products we have built include, Nifty Football, BlockCities, and Crypto Kaiju

