Knowledge is Power

Blockchain workshops — helping you understand blockchain and how best to apply this technology to your business…

James Morgan
3 min readDec 22, 2018


At BlockRocket we have come to realise that even though we spend our daily lives knee deep in the blockchain and distributed ledger technology (DLT) we take our learned knowledge for granted. Generally people we speak to have good understanding of decentralisation but we often find when you dig a little deeper you encounter some misunderstandings and confusion on the potential gains, gotchas, and pitfalls.

Along with our community effort, Blockchain Manchester, we now offer 1 and 2 day workshops to organisations who would like to understand and explore blockchain and DLT technology and how it affects them.

We have successfully ran numerous bespoke workshops including topics such as:

  • Blockchain & DLT in a nutshell
  • Common use cases of blockchain and DLTs
  • Private Keys (and their management)
  • Public vs Private vs Permissioned blockchains
  • Applying decentralised technologies into your domain
  • Pitfalls and Gotchas of using blockchain
  • Scaling decentralised solutions
  • dApps (decentralised applications) and Web3.0

These workshops are aimed at both technical and business focused attendees. We aim to explain concepts without the need for low-level technical understanding.

Our goal is that all leave with a greater understanding of the technology enough further explore decentralisation or have now gained enough knowledge to discount the technology for their business either in the short or long term.

We still feel our job is done if the client leaves and does not want to use the technologies further. We know shoe-horning blockchain to any domain and use-case will not always work and is not always needed; it’s our responsibility to advise people when not to use it just as much as to tell them when it’s a great fit.

As we also offer consultancy and build solutions, if required, we can help you turn ideas into a product or service from a proof-of-concept, or architect full decentralised solutions.


Along with these high-level sessions we also offer more practical workshops in subjects such as Web 3.0 and how to build leveraging technology such as Ethereum, Stellar, IPFS or Hyperledger to name a few.

If you would like to enhance your knowledge and understanding of these technologies please reach out to us for more information.

Example 1 Day Workshop:

09.00–09.15 Introductions and Agenda

09.15–10.00 Blockchain & DLT in a nutshell

10.00–10.45 Common use cases of blockchain and DLTs

10.45–11.00 Break

11.00–11.30 Public vs Private vs Permissioned blockchains

11.30–12.00 Pitfalls and Gotchas of using blockchain

12.00–13.00 Lunch

13.00–14.00 dApps (decentralised applications) and Web3.0

14.00–15.00 Analysis of your domain and how decentralisation could work

15.00–16.00 Projection of how Blockchain could potentially disrupt your industry

16.00–16.30 Q&A session

16:30–17.30 Wrap up and drinks

This format can be tailored to your needs. Contact us for a quote (



James Morgan

Founder of @knownorigin_io @BlockRocketTech @blockchain_manc — NFT nerd, crypto enthusiast, lover of music, humanist, mostly found hacking web3