Weekly Report #8–2018–04–13

Nuno Silva
Published in
2 min readApr 13, 2018

Blocksmith — Blockchain development studio

At Blocksmith we build novel concepts and products using state of the art blockchain technologies.

Week in Review

NEO is coming to Lisbon next week!
Be sure to sign up for the meetup and workshop.
We’ll be around so, come and say “Hi!” if you find us :)

CoZ contributions

  • neo-ruby: we’ve made a few PRs mostly to clean-up and organize code. Ensure CI is well configured and that we follow best-practices. Sill need to properly define the roadmap.
  • neo-python / neo-go: no significant development this week. Complexity of what is in “next-up” is starting to increase, so it’s harder to fit PRs within a week.

Other stuff

NeoResearch team announced NeoCompiler Eco: an ecosystem designed for users and advanced developers, to edit, build and test Smart Contracts.
Check it out here: https://github.com/NeoResearch/neocompiler-eco

Also, they released the draft for a statistical and optimization competition they will be helding:

The focus of this competition will be limited to awarding concise statical reports, focused on Neo blockchain bottlenecks and interesting time aspects. However, participants are encouraged to go further. We do not discard the possibility of increasing the reward for outstanding findings.

If you’re interested, there will be significant NEO rewards: https://github.com/NeoResearch/neo-opt-tests/blob/master/competition/1st_NeoOptTests_Competition.md

Be sure to follow us to get future updates.
See you next week!



Nuno Silva

Rubyist, web developer in general. Computer graphics and parallel computing advocate.