Chain Casino — trustworthy, blockchain-based online casino.

Chain Casino
Published in
3 min readDec 4, 2018

It is commonly said that ‘the house always wins’. Nonetheless, millions of people gamble while being sentenced to failure. It has been estimated that in the following year of 2019, casinos around the world will earn about 130 billion dollars. Unfortunately, their customers will lose just as much.

However, gambling has been human companion for thousands of years. Starting with ancient civilizations who gave their fate in the hands of luck while chasing for worthy items. Examples of such games we can see already 2300 BP in China. Evidences for diverse games popularity have also been found in the Cheops pyramid inscriptions. Of course, we can not forget about the Roman soldiers who competed for clothes of a Christ dying on the cross.

As we can see, gambling is not in any case a new form of entertainment. Lots of its varieties have been accompanying people for a long time now, but casinos are the ones that seem to lead ahead. Control over gaming is now being monopolized by people who was able to notice a business opportunity in others’ yearning for luck. Unfortunately, as we know from practice, owners of such places don’t tend to leave their luck to chance.

Accident? Unlikely.

Casinos of today are controlled by machines, electronic devices, specialized software and algorithms designed to be useful according to somebody’s advantage. Fortuity in gambling, which gave the players probability of winning, is nowadays limited to a significant extent.

Should we, in this case, just designate casinos ‘bad’ and ban them? Not at all. What we really ought to do is to restore them their former meaning and principles. So that everyone had a chance again.

Luckily, alongside new technologies come new solutions. Blockchain is undoubtedly among the best of them. Bitcoin have pointed the direction and served as an example for many industries development. In its likeness, many project based on decentralised technology have been created. Where the big money are, human honesty is always put to the test. In a modern world of countless possibilities this doesn’t have to be an issue anymore.

Blockchain — new dimension of trust

Just as Bitcoin challenges traditional financial system, Chain Casino challenges the way gambling functions. For the first time in history, players can be absolutely certain that no one manipulates the course of the game in the service of their interests. Our team set out to create the first fully trusted and honest online casino that enables players to have insight in all the information due to special block explorer.

Own blockchain = more possibilities

Ethereum users still probably remember well-know CryptoKitties history, when the harmless kitty game provoked cryptocurrency’s network clogging and caused highly problematic transaction slowdown. This is exactly one of the reasons why Chain Casino creators privilege their own platform in this case.

The own blockchain equals also the own, independent cryptocurrency. Many times we witnessed Ethereum having network problems which led also the ERC-20 tokens, based on the same platform, to complications. The own platform, with the own, full-fledged BST cryptocurrency represents a new quality in the field of online entertainment and so far unprecedented development opportunities.

The world’s first non-profit casino

Open casino model based on the open-source protocole promotes creating new solutions by players themselves. Users participation in the platform development may in the future be one of the project’s foundations, positively affecting its value. It is also inherently connected to the cryptocurrencies idea according to which, each user can have his partake in the network and act for the common interest of the community.

BST (from the BlockStamp name), the cryptocurrency used on Chain Casino platform, is already available on PicoStocks exchange. It allows players to join platform comfortably, effectively use it and monetize their earnings.

We highly recommend to give the platform, available in the desktop version, a try, and therefore learn for yourself about the benefits of using blockchain in online gameplay. Web version will be available soon.

Our users opinion is a key issue for us, so we also encourage you to send us your suggestions. They will be of a real help for our project development and the new Chain Casino functionalities implementation. You are welcome to visit our website:

We also encourage you to get acquainted with the whitepaper which provides with more details about the project:



Chain Casino

Chain Casino is a revolutionary and unique crypto casino, where all is perfectly fair and transparent. Check more on FB: