Tips and Tricks to create a better UI Design

Sam Joseph
7 min readApr 18, 2020


Every person in this generation needs attraction. In the design world, people often try to make users rest on their design for some time. But not every design will make it. Design is not only making people to rest, but to interact or to communicate. If a UI Design is perfect, then the users will be interested to explore the product/website a bit more.

In this blog, let’s learn how to make a good UI design. Let’s start off with the basics.

What is UI Design?

User Interface (UI) design is the process of designing interfaces for users to interact with web applications or computer applications, making them easily understand with good style and feel. Best UI design is where the application has less clickable objects and easy application flow.

How to design a better UI?

A successful UI design just doesn’t matter on the style or color used on it, but it’s a language that interacts better when the user sees the application.

Below are some simple UI design layers that will create a successful UI design.

Layers of UI Design

There are seven layers of UI listed below :

  1. Header
  2. Banner
  3. Function
  4. Testimonial
  5. Download
  6. About us
  7. Footer

Let’s understand each in detail.


The header layer consists of a navigation bar that has a branding logo at the leftmost. It also has text links that can be on the left or right side of the navigation bar with 16px of size. The buttons will be kept on the right. The brand name can be kept nearby the logo with a size of 20px. Click to see some sample header templates.


This layer consists of the theme background image which gives a brief explanation about the application. The theme image can be used with full stretch covering 12 column grid or it can be placed on the right with 6 column grid.

Above or to the left of the image the tagline of your application can be written not more than three lines. The CTA button can be kept below the tagline to make the user start your application. The background image size can be of 60vh or 100vh. Click to see some website banner design inspirations.


The function layer explains the concept of the application using images and text or using video content which makes the user get a high-level understanding of the application. Click to see the sample function design.


The testimonial layer has reviews of the particular application from the previous users. This gives the confidence to use a particular application for new users. Images and text can be used, social links are optional. Click to see some testimonial templates.


This layer has some options to download your application for android or iOS mobile phones. If your application is a desktop application you can also mention downloads for each operating system. Images can be used to showcase your application. Buttons can also be used to download your application.

About us

In this layer, the developers, designers or team profile can be given with text and images. This makes the visibility of owners and people involved to make a particular application. Click to see some inspirations.


Footer consists of all the page link to get directed to a particular page (eg. contact us, blog, faq, etc). Social icons can also be mentioned in this footer. Click to see some footer templates.

Sample website — Click Me

So, we understood the layers of UI design, and now its time to share some tips on creating a better UI Design.

Basic Tips on UI Design

UI has to be responsive where user can use in desktop, mobile or in any other devices.

Establish a spacing and sizing system

1. White Space

Start with good white spaces which makes your content readable and good looking. Don’t give too much space or less space this will make your content not notable.

2. Icon

To fit an icon inside the button or to give padding inside a button you can use this below approach,

3. Size Design System

Use sizes for button text, body text, header text, links, footer text by using the size from the below design system.

4. Grid

Use 12 column grid to place your contents or elements. Don’t shrink an element until you need to. Don’t be a slave to the grid — give your components the space they need and don’t make any compromises until it’s actually necessary.

5. Button

Use relative sizing for buttons for both small and large devices.

6. Typeface

Font also plays a major role in your design. Choose good fonts that are readable and also choose according to the content or type of the application. I suggest you use only one font-family for an application. Get free fonts from Google fonts.

For UI design, use neutral sans-serif something like Helvetica. If you don’t have any idea go with the system fonts. Ignore font-family with less than five weights.

Using the font you also need to know the letter-spacing between characters and line-height between lines.

7. Color Theory

Select a color palette for your design. Select one color as a primary color and two to three colors for secondary and tertiary colors.

Get the color shades of your palette by using the hex or RGB color code. To get the color shades and matching gradient click the bolded hyperlinks.

8. Images

Use good images and also use high-quality stock photography. The text above the image should have a consistent contrast. Add an overlay to the image then the text will be visible and readable.

You can also use blend-modes to make the image visible. Add text-shadow which will give some good readability to your content.

9. Icons

Icons will make to understand the function better. Have icon sets for both desktop and mobile which will give better visibility.

Nowadays vector icons are used because it is responsive and it is an XML code which can be edited using a CSS property. Click on the bolded text to get free vector icon sets — icon. Click to learn more about Iconography to enhance UX design.


A good User Interface is important because it can turn potential visitors to buyers as it facilitates interactions between the user and your website or web application. The UI not only focuses on the aesthetics but also maximizes responsiveness, efficiency, and accessibility of a website.

In this blog, we learned great tips and tricks to build a good UI design. These tips are made from my experience as a UX and UI Designer and also from the best books I came across.

Thanks for reading the article. Please do share your thoughts on the comments.

I am open to review designs or to help in my free time. Connect me LinkedIn


  1. Refactoring UI by Adam Wathan and Steve Schoger.

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