Blocktix Dev Update #10

Published in
5 min readDec 24, 2017

Hello and welcome to the very last Blocktix Development Update of the year 2017, and we are already at number 10! Before everyone starts enjoying the festivities of Christmas and of course Boxing Day we have an update for this Christmas Eve. So let’s get on with it and close the year off with a little fireworks!

Blocktix Alpha Release

Today we are releasing our Blocktix Alpha (MVP) to the public! The Blocktix Alpha Web Application is now officially done and you can explore it today. The completed Alpha includes event creation, event editing, ticketing by type, buying tickets, sending and selling tickets.

We are releasing the Blocktix Alpha on a public network we created specifically for Blocktix. While it is possible to deploy the current version of Blocktix on the Ethereum mainnet, we have chosen not to do this so we can speed up completion of the full feature sets laid out in the Blocktix whitepaper. With important additions to the system, like Governance, Advertising/Promotion and Credit Card support still in development, we feel that adding the current Blocktix version to the Ethereum mainnet would not be beneficial as the current Alpha version would get little actual usage without these additional features added to the system.

We are allowing users open an account at to get access to the Blocktix Alpha at

Support is available on Discord through #alpha

New team member

We are happy to announce the addition of Matt Gray as our Marketing Director and head of our Promotions team. Matt was recruited from his role as Associate Director at IZEA, the leading technology company in the influencer marketing space. Matt joined our team last month and has brought his extensive experience in influencer marketing to the Blocktix team. Matt has since started work on targeted digital marketing and social listening based influencer campaigns for the Blocktix system. These campaigns will be focused toward the areas in which Blocktix plans to host its initial promotional events later next year. These campaigns will begin soon after our mobile apps are complete and the UX is tested and improved. In future updates we will release more details on the digital/influencer marketing strategy and the timelines for these campaigns that we are currently developing.

Opening of Blocktix Netherlands office

Besides working hard on the development side of things we have also been busy opening an office in the Netherlands. Our office space is in the Techno House in Heerlen, Netherlands. The Techno House office complex hosts several leading technology companies and we’re very happy with the space we managed to get here. We are continually adding to the Blocktix team and the new office has been instrumental in helping the team build on the Blocktix plan to shape the future of ticketing.

Development of Blocktix

On the development side of things we have completed the Blocktix Alpha Web Application. The web application currently features all the requirements for the MVP:

- Creating Events
- Editing of Events
- Adding Ticket types and Tickets
- Buying of Ticket types
- Sending tickets to peers
- Selling tickets to peers

We have made a lot of progress on our Mobile Apps. The event feeds are now loading, the map views and list views are complete for both Android and iOS, you can now import and encrypt your ticket wallet in the mobile app, view the event details, and the most of the layouts are complete.

The next steps in mobile are getting the ticket categories and ticket type data, buying the tickets, as well as ticket redemption. Early next year, once mobile has caught up to the web application and the current developments have been completed, the ticket redemption will also be implemented in the web application.

In the first Quarter of 2018 we will be adding the local wallet flow, so that the web application can be used without Metamask, Parity or an Ethereum browser. We will also be adding the Event Vetting and Voting systems.

We are aiming to have the Advertising / Promotion system ready and integrated into the Web Application, as well as Phase 3, Credit Card integration for buying tickets and paying for the promotion directly with a credit card Q2 2018. After the credit card integration we will be enhancing the system to be able to use ETH, TIX and / or a Credit Card to buy tickets, as well as for advertising and promotion of events.

As soon as this is all in place we will be preparing for the full production release of Blocktix, including the contract voting and contract governance. The production release will deliver a decentralized ticketing system on the Blockchain with all future development and governance changes being decided directly by the TIX token holders.

In Conclusion

We hope you all will explore the Blocktix Alpha. This year has been an incredible amount of work and excitement with a sprint to the ‘Alpha finish line’ for Blocktix.

We are extremely happy with the quality and function of the finished Alpha build and hope each one of you will be equally as pleased. As you have read in past updates, we have big things planned for both Q1 and Q2 on the development side of things.

In following updates, we will be releasing more news regarding partnerships, ambassadors, marketing and of course our first events that will take place in 2018.

We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

