Blocktix Dev Update #12

Published in
5 min readJan 28, 2018

While January has come (and is almost gone) we’re ready once more for another Development Update. This is our 12th update so far and it’s now 6 months ago since we’ve closed our crowdfunding. As you’ve read we’ve come quite a long way since then and we are excited to start a new chapter in the project with the release of the Blocktix Mobile Applications.

Social Media

As always we invite each and everyone to join our social media channels. These are the perfect way(s) to keep up to date with what we are doing and of course join the discussion about Blocktix.

If you are not connected yet, you can join our Discord server to explore the features of Blocktix, ask questions or just have a chat with other supporters!

Blocktix Mobile App Release

We are very happy to announce the official first release of our Blocktix Mobile App Alpha for both Android and iOS. The first release includes everything from finding events, to buying tickets to actually redeeming them at the event. The Alpha Apps are running on our own private network, and we are ready to invite you in to explore what we have built. We currently have both the Android and iOS available to check out, see below a simple video and the screenshots we’ve taken of our Apps.

We expect an official release in the Apple App Store and Google Play Store in the next 4 weeks, the timeline is dependent on the approval processes.

Once the apps are listed in the App Store and Play Store, we can update the app from our private network to the official Ethereum mainnet by simply pushing out an app update.

Join the Blocktix Mobile App Alpha here.
* Invites are send out once every 24 hours — Please be patient after entering your details. As per usual you can join our Discord in #alpha for support and discussion.

Blocktix Marketing

In past updates we have announced the development of an advanced social listening/influencer and data driven marketing programs. These campaigns will start once the mobile apps have been accepted to the App and Play Stores. In addition to these campaigns we are currently working on another marketing feature that will begin with the addition of our mobile apps to the App and Play Stores, the ‘Million TIX Reward Program’.

Million TIX Reward Program

The TIX reward program is a method of incentivising the installations of the Blocktix mobile applications. Our goal with our mobile apps is to get a large install base so we can market this network to independent event promoters around the world. In addition to marketing Blocktix through influencers in the scene we are also planning to give away a total of one million TIX tokens to new users of the mobile app.

We will be giving out the one million promotion TIX in the following fashion:

First 50.000 Installs will get 5 TIX tokens
Next 100.000 Installs will get 3 TIX tokens
Next 100.000 Installs will get 2 TIX tokens

And the remainder will get 1 TIX token.

This promotion, in combination with our influencer campaign, will put Blocktix apps and TIX tokens in the hands of over 500.000 people who are interested in buying event tickets. This TIX rewards program will seed the wallets of these users with TIX which they can then use to purchase their first event tickets through Blocktix. This network of Blocktix app users and TIX owners will create a significant incentive for any promoter to choose Blocktix as their ticketing system.

Of course there are some rules to this giveaway:

  • Promotion TIX will only be usable for the users first ticket purchase.
  • Promotion TIX cannot be send outside of the app.
  • Accounts will need registration in order to receive reward.
  • Promotion will end after 1,000,000 Promotion TIX have been allocated.

Development of Blocktix

With one third of the first Quarter already gone we’re now announcing what we’ll be working on during the remainder of Q1 in terms of Development.

Before the end of February we will have the In-App TIX Giveaway live in our Mobile App including the Marketing Feed. Meanwhile we’ll be working on infrastructure improvements for the official App/Play Store release.

After that we’ll be concentrating on a native solution for the TIX/ETH wallet in the Blocktix WebApp. This will make it possible to use Blocktix without Parity or MetaMask attached, a very important milestone to make growth possible.

Another feature we will be building is the TIX/ETH deposit and withdrawal for Event Creators — Making sure that the promoters and organizers can get to their crypto as they wish.

Furthermore we will close Q1 with Flow Development of the following subjects: Scalping Resistance, Credit Card Acceptance and Production Ticket Redemption.

In Conclusion

With releasing our official mobile apps we checked of another major milestone in the story of Blocktix. We hope you will all love the app as much as we do. The announcement of the Million TIX Reward Program in combination with our planned influencer marketing push will make sure Blocktix will get a real install base across the globe.

And ofcourse this is not all, as much more is coming in future updates, please check back in in two weeks from now for much, much more!

