Blocktix Dev Update #17

Published in
4 min readMay 12, 2018

Welcome to our 17th Blocktix Development Update. This update will focus mostly on our development work over the past month. Our main focus currently is getting the Blocktix system to a state where event hosts and artists alike can start hosting real events on the system as soon as we go live in the mobile app stores.

Social Media

As always, we invite everyone to keep up to date on our progress and to join the Blocktix conversation on our social media channels:

If you are not connected yet, we invite you to join our Discord server to explore the features of Blocktix, ask questions or just have a chat with other supporters.

Exchange Listings

The past month has been very good for Blocktix in terms of listings on exchanges. We’ve seen additions by multiple exchanges and in multiple pairings as well:

This new exchange from South Africa is making waves. Adding a bunch of pairings for TIX including our first USDT pairing and ZAR pairing!

Be sure to check ChainEx out for yourselves!
Another service that recently added us is the easy-to-use You can use their website for a fast and easy transfer from either Bitcoin or Ether to Blocktix. You can now quickly exchange your crypto to Blocktix using
This exchange recently added an Ethereum to Blocktix pairing and a EtherZero to Blocktix pairing. This community-built exchange is currently in Beta and we’re happy to be apart of it!
And lastly we have who recently added a TIX-ETH pairing. This is one of the first high-performance decentralized exchanges that provides real-time trading and on-chain settlement. You can read more information on their platform here.

Development of Blocktix

Over the past month our main focus has been the development work after our initial testnet release. We’re on our way to get Blocktix released on the official mainnet. We are currently preparing a final pass on all of the Blocktix contracts that have been written and the service infrastructure to tighten up any loose ends, including the necessary changes to the in-app messaging systems.

Usability wise, we’ve been concentrating on adding services like the event owner details page with purchase metrics and the withdrawal of event funds.

The event owner details page allows you to see details such as tickets sold, total revenue and funds available to be withdrawn, as well as information about ticket types and how many tickets of each type have been sold and are remaining. An example below:

The withdrawal functionality is now fully integrated, so it’s easy to get the funds out of the event contract. In the future, the withdrawal address will be customizable. Again an example below:

We’ve also implemented some developer workflow improvements to go along with the the upgrade to Truffle 4. All the manual steps a developer had to take to run a local environment have been fully automated.

The features we are currently working on are:

  • Event funds withdrawal to a custom address
  • Local Wallet UX enhancements and bug fixes
  • Unified presentation of ETH / USD values in the web app

You can check out the most recent version of Blocktix at

Be aware the web application is still in testnet — Do not send funds.

Move to monthly updates

Over the past few updates we’ve really noticed the difference between the speed in the crypto world and the speed of the real world. It’s becoming harder and harder to keep up our previous release schedule for the Development updates. Unless major news is available, we’ll now move to monthly updates to keep our community up-to-date in the best way possible.

In Conclusion

With a total of four exchange listings, the development moving closer to the official Mainnet release and our first pilot at the Neverland Festival we are looking forward to a great Summer! Look forward to our next update in June.

