Blocktix Dev Update #8

Published in
5 min readNov 26, 2017

The past two weeks have been a blast for the Blocktix teams working all over the world. With the big event ofcourse being the release of our Testnet, where fifty users are currently already playing with the system we are building, creating events all over the world. Before we delve further into the testnet release we have some other updates to share with you.

Community Growth

Over the past few days we have again noticed a huge increase in our community growth. Our Discord already boasts over 850 members and our Reddit subscribers have nearly doubled over the past two weeks. Our Facebook likes and our website visitors are also following a really nice uptrend and overall the word of Blocktix is getting out there more and more.

Our Twitter is a different story sadly. In the beginning of this week we suddenly saw a growth from 3500 to over 100.000 followers. As this happened within 24 hours we’ve investigated this growth and found that our Twitter got ‘attacked’ by many fake followers. We as a company feel that organic growth is more important than boasting with a huge follower count that is not realistic at this point. We’ve thus contacted Twitter Support to look into the matter and we hope that the fake followers can be removed from our account sooner rather than later.

Exchange Update

Today we have also received the news that we now have a trading pair with the South Korean Won. The TIX/KRW pairing is now available at, where we got previously added with a bitcoin and ether pairing. A very exciting development while we keep working on getting more exchange additions in the near future.

TestNet Release

On the 16th of November it was that time to open the doors to our Testnet environment. Many of you requested access and we’re happy that over the past week we have had the opportunity to let fifty members of the community join the testnet and see the Blocktix system that we are building with their own eyes.

As the testnet is directly our staging enviroment changes are happening all the time. Bugs reported are being fixed quite quickly. Over the past week, since we have launched the private testnet we made the following changes to the system:

- App displays a notice on pages that require an unlocked wallet / account
- App refreshes properly when you change your account or network in Metamask.
- All transactions have tailored default gas limits

Event Feed
- Added distance filter and sorting by distance or date
- Added relative distance indicator to each result
- Search parameters are persisted in the URL
- You can no longer zoom out to an unreasonable level

Event Detail
- Updated ticket status messaging
- The number of tickets you can buy are properly limited by how many you already own
- Added ticket order form (click Buy Tickets)
- Added checkout page (actual purchasing of tickets is currently disabled)
- Fixed fractional price display issue

Event Editor
- Displays an unauthorized notice if your current account is not the event creator

Some screenshots of the changes on our Testnet so far

As you can see our progress is really moving forward in just the last week and we’ll keep pushing more and more updates on the road to the release of Blocktix Alpha.

For those that still want an invite join us in our Discord and leave a message in the #testnet channel. Once room becomes available you’ll receive instructions how to obtain access to the Blocktix Testnet.

Development of Blocktix

On the development side of things we have been mostly concentrating on the Web UI (user interface), catching up with the work that has already been done on the contracts.

We have also finished the first iteration of our specifications for Phase 2, the advertising and promotion side of events. We are currently awaiting feedback from some of our partners to make sure our advertising is in line with what they would expect/need to target the correct audience, as well as to incentivise the correct concert goers to view the advertisements.

Currently we are reworking the ticket voting system, as we need to get the game theory right. We can’t allow people to potentially abuse the system to make gains, by intentionally voting for fraudulent events or against legitimate events. We have to make sure we incentivise correct behaviour and punish malicious behavior. We have been running through many scenarios, and are getting very close to finalising the design. The implementation will be straight forward, but this is something that will be a large driver of the Blocktix system and Blocktix Event contracts going forward, so we need to make sure we get it right in the early stages.

Our website is still in development, and we will be deploying new changes in the coming week. We have received some great feedback, and alot of great ideas and input. It has been really nice to see the community wanting to help us improve.

In Conclusion

A great two weeks once again where — as you can read — the focus is really on finishing up our Blocktix Alpha in time for release before the end of this calendar year. We are very excited to show the world our solution to the problems that plague ticketing today.

Expect our next update in two weeks time, where we will update you once more about all things Blocktix.

