Blocktix Dev Update #9

Published in
4 min readDec 9, 2017

Another two weeks have past and we have now landed in the last month of the year. High time for yet another Blocktix Development Update, number nine to be precise. December is here and that means that, besides Christmas, our Blocktix Alpha release is around the corner. Before we delve into the update of our actual Development we have some other news to share with you.

The Smaller Things

This week the news reached us that Blocktix got added to Iconomi. The Iconomi digital assets management platform is a new and unique technical service that allows anyone from beginners to blockchain experts to invest in and manage digital assets. We are very happy to get recognized as our project matures over time.

Yesterday we also welcomed our 1000th member to our Discord. Great to see our community is always growing and very active in the several channels we have. Come join our Discord and have a talk!

Meanwhile all our socials, Facebook, our Reddit and our Website are still growing in numbers and more and more people are learning about Blocktix. On the Twitter side of things we still are in the 90–100K range although we are noticing that a lot of the fake accounts are slowly getting banned. We hope that we get back to our real numbers soon enough.

New team members

With our Blocktix Alpha release nearing we are happy to introduce two previously unannounced contributors who have been working with us behind the scenes, Everette Harp and Randy Jackson. Their consultations have been instrumental in the design of Blocktix and our promotional event strategy.

Everette Harp

Everette Harp is a Jazz saxophonist who has been in the music industry for over 25 years. With a total of eleven albums and numerous collaborations under his belt, Everette is one of the most renowned Jazz artists of his time, continuing to play and tour with many celebrated artists. Everette Harp now joins the Blocktix team as both ambassador and helping guide our promotional event strategy.

Randy Jackson

Randy Jackson is a music industry icon who became a television personality as a judge on American Idol. Jackson has recorded, produced and toured with artists such as Journey, Jerry Garcia, Mariah Carey, Bruce Springsteen and Madonna, among others. Jackson spent years as a record producer and an executive with Columbia Records and MCA Records before his role as an American Idol judge. Jackson now joins the Blocktix team and will be working as an Advisor / Consultant designing our promotional event strategy.

Development of Blocktix

The development teams have been working hard towards getting Blocktix Alpha ready. We are now stabilizing our user interface and getting ready to deploy a full public testnet of the Alpha.

The functionality that will be included in the Alpha is:
- Creating Events
- Editing of Events
- Adding Ticket types and Tickets
- Buying of Ticket types
- Sending tickets to peers
- Selling tickets to peers
- Redeeming tickets.

Our focus is to get the Web Application of Blocktix Alpha finalized before Christmas, and to release the mobile applications (iOS and Android) early next year.

Our mobile apps are taking shape, with the following completed:

- Pulling in events
- Pulling images from IPFS
- Showing events on a map

We’ve also migrated most of the contract business logic to libraries, which saves about 30% of gas costs when creating an event. We will have some new revised wireframes for the mobile applications, including the flow for the ticketers in the coming weeks.

The existing private staging environment (our testnet) has been cleared and reset, as we had to deploy new contracts, with all the latest functionality included. We are testing and preparing for our Blocktix Alpha so the staging environment can be expected to be reset at any moment.

The next functionality to be added after the Blocktix Alpha will be the Event Vetting and voting, event fee and vetting rewards, the ticket auctioning, and the event promotion and advertising platform.

In Conclusion

Today marks the start of a news cycle where we will release ambassadors, consultants, new team members and of course partnerships and the future events we are planning. Many more details will emerge over the next weeks and months.

